Facial biometrics: how it is done and what its benefits are

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Facial biometrics has emerged as an innovative and promising technology, playing a valuable role in digital transformation and contemporary security. 

Capturing and analyzing unique facial features has become a fundamental pillar in recognition and validation of identity by electronic means, whose applications extend from mobile device security to large-scale identification in public spaces.

In this article, we will present a comprehensive overview of facial biometrics, unraveling the intricate processes involved in its implementation and highlighting the substantial benefits it provides. We will also address the growing integration of facial biometrics in the most diverse sectors of activity. 

Good reading!

Facial biometrics in Brazil and around the world

In recent years, facial biometrics has been gaining ground as a revolutionary technology, shaping the landscape of security and personal identification worldwide. In Brazil, as in several countries, this innovation has expanded rapidly, finding application in both the private and public sectors, and its impact is becoming increasingly evident.

In the private sector, companies have adopted facial biometrics as a robust tool to improve the reliability of their systems, providing safer access to sensitive information. Facial authentication has emerged as an effective alternative to traditional passwords and codes, significantly reducing the risks of fraud and security breaches.

In the public sphere, the implementation of facial biometrics has proven to be fundamental on several fronts. In access control systems for government buildings, airports and critical facilities, the technology provides an additional layer of protection. Additionally, governments have explored facial biometrics in public security initiatives, facilitating the quick and accurate identification of individuals in public spaces.

The growing relevance of facial biometrics is supported by financial data that highlights its impact on the global market. Reports indicate a significant increase in investments in biometric technologies, with optimistic forecasts for the coming years. Companies specializing in this segment have experienced robust growth, reflecting the growing demand for more advanced and secure identification solutions.

As facial biometrics consolidates itself as a key piece in digital security, its role goes beyond mere authentication, reaching broader levels in crime prevention and efficient identity management and redefining the way companies and governments approach security and identification .

What actually is facial biometrics and how does it work?

Facial biometrics is an innovative technology that uses distinctive physical characteristics of the human face for unique identification and authentication. Unlike passwords and cards, facial biometrics offer a more intuitive and secure method of personal recognition. 

At the heart of this technology are nodal points: specific points on the face that are identified, measured and converted into a numerical sequence called a “facial signature”. This signature is unique to each person, just like a fingerprint, and serves as the basis for biometric identification.

The process of capturing nodal points begins with the acquisition of a facial image, generally using high-resolution cameras. Then, advanced algorithms come into play, mapping the nodal points precisely. These algorithms perform a detailed analysis of facial geometry, taking into account the proportions and distances between the identified nodal points.

From these measurements, the facial signature is generated, a unique numerical representation that encapsulates the essential characteristics of the individual's face. This numerical sequence is then stored securely in biometric databases.

The use of nodal points in the facial identification process offers several advantages. In addition to the uniqueness inherent to each person's face, facial biometrics constitute a non-intrusive approach, eliminating the need for direct physical contact. This characteristic makes it particularly suitable for application in security, access control and authentication systems in mobile devices.

The technology behind facial biometrics

Facial biometrics, now present in several spheres of our digital lives, is an apparently simple process for the user, due to the ease of capturing an image and carrying out the procedure itself. However, the complexity of the technologies behind this process is remarkable: advanced machine learning and computer vision algorithms play a vital role in the detailed analysis of nodal points and the creation of three-dimensional facial identity.

Each step of the process reveals a perfect technological synergy between advanced engineering and algorithmic sophistication, as we will see below.

1. Image capture (selfie)

The process begins with the user capturing a facial image, usually using a high-resolution camera. What appears to be a simple selfie is actually the input to an intricate facial recognition algorithm.

2. Identification of nodal points

The main nodal points of the face are then identified. These include the distance between the eyes, the width of the nose, the dimensions of the lips, among other elements. Analysis of these points creates a unique and detailed representation of the user's facial geometry.

3. Transformation into a three-dimensional image

Technological magic manifests itself in the transformation of these nodal points into a three-dimensional image. The algorithms use this data to create a three-dimensional model of the face, taking into account not only the superficial characteristics, but also the depths and contours that make each face unique.

4. Generation of facial identity

The resulting facial signature is actually a complex numerical sequence that encapsulates all the unique features of the user's face. This “facial identity” is what allows individuals to be distinguished accurately and safely.

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The benefits and different applications of facial biometrics

Facial biometrics brings with it a series of benefits. The high accuracy of the system guarantees reliable identification, while the ease of implementation and systems integration existing systems simplifies large-scale adoption. Additionally, the user experience is improved by providing fast and convenient authentication without the need for complex passwords.

More than a simple personal identification instrument, facial biometrics extends across a wide variety of applications, revolutionizing different sectors, redefining the way we interact with the world. digital world and being implemented in the most diverse areas, such as those below.

Financial transactions

In the financial area, facial biometrics is becoming an essential tool to ensure the security of transactions. The precise and unique identification provided by this technology offers an additional layer of protection against fraudulent activities, significantly reducing the risks of unauthorized access and fraudulent transactions.

Furthermore, biometric authentication makes transactions more efficient, eliminating the need for complex passwords and additional authentications.

Access control

In corporate environments and critical facilities, facial biometrics are implemented to improve access control. Systems that employ this technology ensure rapid and accurate identification of authorized individuals, strengthening physical security and minimizing risks associated with traditional methods such as access cards or PIN codes.

Public security

In the sphere of public security, facial biometrics play a crucial role in surveillance and crime prevention initiatives. The ability to identify suspects in real time in public spaces significantly improves law enforcement response, contributing to a safer and more secure environment.

fraud prevention

Fraud prevention is one of the areas where facial biometrics stands out. By offering an extra layer of authentication, this technology considerably reduces fraud attempts, especially in sensitive sectors such as finance and healthcare.

Comparing facial biometrics to other forms of biometric identification

Facial biometrics, among the various forms of biometric identification, stands out as a versatile and widely applicable option. Next, we briefly compare facial biometrics with other type widely used:

Facial biometrics

Advantages: Non-invasive, easy to capture (selfies), widely accepted by users, less stigmatizing, real-time application for public safety.

Disadvantages: It can be affected by changes in lighting, aging and drastic changes in appearance.


Advantages: High accuracy, established and widely adopted, difficult to replicate.

Disadvantages: It can be affected by dirt and may require specific devices to capture.

Voice recognition

Advantages: Natural and non-invasive, wide application in virtual assistants and home automation.

Disadvantages: Vulnerable to changes in voice due to illness, emotional variations and environmental noise.


Advantages: Highly unique and stable over time, high precision.

Disadvantages: It can be affected by medical conditions and requires specialized equipment for capture.


Advantages: Extremely unique, difficult to replicate.

Disadvantages: Requires specific equipment for reading, which is perceived as invasive.

Each form of biometric identification has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the choice between them often depends on the application context. 

Facial biometrics stands out for its ease of implementation, user acceptance and applicability in a variety of scenarios, while the other forms may be better suited to specific contexts where high accuracy or special security requirements are a priority.

In this sense, it is worth highlighting that the combination of different biometric methods, known as multimodality, has proven to be a growing approach to improving security and reliability in various applications.

Therefore, we invite you to learn about Truora's digital identity validation solution, which allows, among many other functions, facial recognition. Click here to learn more!

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