What is contract management, what are the steps and how to do it

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In the complex world of business, transactions and partnerships are the backbone of growth, and contract management is a vital element of organizational success. 

Those documents They are important as they form the foundation on which commercial operations are built, establishing rights, obligations and expectations between the parties involved. In this context, understanding and applying effective contract management becomes imperative for companies that aim to thrive in dynamic and challenging business environments.

However, contract management goes beyond simply signing documents; it encompasses a set of strategic practices and processes that aim to maximize the benefits and mitigate the risks associated with commercial transactions. 

In this article, we will explain everything about contract management and how to implement it efficiently. Good reading!

What is a contract and what is its relevance?

The contract is the basis of commercial and legal relationships, being a legal link that formalizes agreements between parties. It can be recorded on paper, digitally or verbally. 

This binding agreement outlines rights and obligations, acting as a guide that shapes the parties' behavior, offering security and trust. Legally, the contract establishes the basis for resolving disputes and applying the law in cases of non-compliance.

Contracts are essential in commercial relationships, supporting the integrity and reliability of negotiations. By establishing a legal framework, they provide a solid basis for resolving disputes, minimizing uncertainty and promoting business stability.

And what is contract management?

Contract management goes beyond a formality, being a strategic tool to shape the destiny and sustainability of an organization. It involves practices and strategies to create, monitor and improve the life cycle of contracts, seeking to ensure legal certainty, clarity and strict compliance with agreements.

Operational efficiency is a pillar of contract management. By establishing structured systems for preparation, review and execution, companies accelerate market responses, reduce risks and avoid litigation. Standardization and automation also direct internal resources to strategic tasks, driving global efficiency.

Cost reduction is also at the basis of good management of contracts, avoiding frequent renegotiations, preventing the loss of information and ensuring compliance. The comprehensive view allows you to identify opportunities for financial optimization, contributing to a smarter allocation of resources and significant savings.

Contract management stands out for its multi-departmental nature, involving collaboration between all sectors to ensure that clauses are aligned with the organization's goals and standards. Contract management, therefore, is not an isolated responsibility, but rather a collective effort to achieve objectives common.

The five stages of contract management

Understand and manage each stage of a contract's life cycle is essential to ensure solid, transparent and efficient commercial relationships over time. Check it out below.

1. Pre-conception

In the pre-design phase, interested parties identify opportunities and needs, planting the seeds of a contract. Discussions, negotiations and risk assessment are crucial. Clarity in intentions, definition of goals and understanding of obligations are essential to guide the process. 

Conducting this step correctly is vital to avoid unnecessary investments and provide strategic vision before formal commitment.

2. Conception

In the design phase, the parties formalize the agreed terms, including clauses, details about products/services, deadlines and payment conditions. Careful attention to detail is crucial to avoid ambiguities. 

This phase lays the solid foundation of the contract, minimizing misunderstandings, and provides the opportunity for the parties to negotiate and adjust the terms according to their needs.

3. Birth

With the signature of the parties, the contract is officially born, starting the period of validity. At this point, obligations and rights come into force, making the documentation a legal instrument that binds the parties. Birth is a significant milestone, formalizing mutual commitment, representing the creation of the legally binding document.

4. Duration

During the validity phase, contractual clauses are implemented, and both parties fulfill their responsibilities. Proactive management is crucial to avoid deviations, guarantee expected benefits and fulfill obligations. 

Formalizing adjustments is essential. Maintaining full attention to this phase is important as it ensures the efficient execution of contractual obligations, providing a basis for successful cooperation.

5. Extinction

Termination marks the formal closure of the contract, and may occur after fulfillment of obligations, expiration of the term or mutual agreement of the parties. 

At this stage, it is crucial to document the closure properly, ensuring the resolution of all outstanding issues and avoiding unexpected surprises after the contract ends. Closing the contract in an orderly manner is essential to avoid litigation and allow for a smooth transition to future negotiations.

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Practical tips for each phase of the contractual life cycle

Monitoring the life cycle of an organization's contracts may seem complex, but there are some practices that facilitate this process, as we will see below.


  • Start by carrying out a detailed analysis of the needs and objectives involved. Consider market factors, potential risks and strategic opportunities.
  • Use digital platforms to centralize information about possible agreements. This facilitates quick consultation and prior evaluation of similar conditions.
  • Use risk analysis tools to assess potential obstacles and anticipate potential challenges early in the process.


  • Develop standardized models for basic contracts, facilitating the creation process and reducing the time required for drafting.
  • Use online collaboration platforms to promote interaction between stakeholders during design. This speeds up the process and reduces the likelihood of misunderstandings.
  • Integrate automated legal verification tools to identify potential legal issues during the design phase, ensuring compliance from the start.

Birth & Standardization

  • Adopt electronic signatures to speed up the formalization process. This reduces reliance on physical documents and speeds completion.
  • Use systems of digital document management to store and organize contracts securely, ensuring easy access when needed.
  • Implement automatic alerts to notify about critical dates, such as the beginning of the term, ensuring that parties are aware of their obligations.


  • Use tools that allow real-time monitoring of performance of contractual obligations, identifying possible deviations promptly.
  • Implement systems that enable the automation of contractual updates to reflect changes in business conditions, avoiding delays or inconsistencies.
  • Establish transparent communication channels to facilitate quick resolution of issues or necessary adjustments during the term.


  • Use tools to carry out an automated final assessment, ensuring that all obligations have been met before the contract ends.
  • Maintain detailed documentation about the termination process, including any renegotiation of additional terms or agreements.
  • After termination, store documents securely, ensuring compliance with retention regulations and allowing for future references if necessary.

We also highlight the importance of technology and digital processes at all stages of the contract lifecycle. Contract management platforms, electronic signatures and automated data analysis speed up processes and reduce errors, contributing to effective and sustainable contract management.

Common challenges in contract management

Contract management, although essential, is not free from challenges that may arise throughout its life cycle. From the decentralized process to the complexity of negotiations, addressing these barriers requires robust strategies and a proactive approach.

Process decentralization

The decentralization of processes can result in a lack of standardization, loss of visibility and difficulties in coordination between different departments.

Therefore, it is important to establish standardized guidelines and procedures for contract management across the organization. This helps ensure consistency and clarity across all processes.

Use centralized platforms to store all contracts and related documentation. This facilitates quick access and maintains a central record for reference.

Conduct regular training for teams involved in contract management, increasing awareness of procedures and the importance of adhering to established policies.

Difficulties in negotiation

Contract negotiations can be complex, involving different parties with different interests. Lack of clarity can lead to prolonged impasses.

To combat this challenge, promote open and transparent communication between parties from the beginning. Understanding the expectations and needs of all parties helps avoid misunderstandings.

Facilitate collaboration between parties through online tools, allowing real-time reviews and streamlining the negotiation process.

Before negotiations begin, ensure that fundamental terms and conditions are clearly defined. This creates a solid foundation for discussions.

Change management during the term

Changes in business conditions or contractual requirements may occur during the term, and inadequate management of these changes may result in conflicts.

Integrate contractual clauses that allow for adjustments and updates as needed. This will reduce resistance to change and facilitate adaptations over time.

Maintain open communication channels and inform all interested parties about potential changes before implementation. Transparency will reduce unpleasant surprises.

Use tools that allow real-time monitoring of performance and contractual conditions. This helps identify the need for adjustments before they become significant problems.

By addressing these challenges with proactive strategies, organizations can turn contract management into a competitive advantage. Technology is essential in this process, offering tools that promote the efficiency, transparency and agility necessary to face the dynamic challenges of the modern business environment.

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