Learn how to make a contract with a digital signature in 10 steps

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In recent years, we have witnessed a revolution in corporate processes driven by digital transformation. Companies of all sizes and segments have sought to optimize their operations and reduce costs through the adoption of innovative technologies, such as contract with digital signature.

After all, digital signature consolidates itself as a fundamental tool, optimizing the contract signing process, ensuring legal security and facilitating the records management

In this article, we will cover the best practices, tools and legal considerations for executing contracts with digital signatures, enabling professionals and companies to take advantage of the benefits of this technology.

What is a digital signature and what is an electronic signature?

A electronic signature covers any marking or consent on digital documents, while digital signature is a specific form of electronic signature that uses cryptography to guarantee the authenticity of the document, through digital certificates and public and private keys. 

The private key is used to create the signature, while the public key verifies its authenticity. During digital signing, an algorithm creates a hash of the document content, which is encrypted with the private key, allowing the corresponding public key to verify the signature.

How is a contract with digital signature drawn up?

The process of drafting a contract in electronic format involves several steps, from creating the document to inserting relevant clauses and information. Below is an overview of this process.

1. Choosing the platform or software

    First, choose a platform or reliable to create the electronic contract, which can vary between specific software for this purpose and digital signature platforms with functionalities for drafting and signing contracts.

    2. Contract template

      Choose a pre-formatted contract template or create one from scratch, depending on the specific needs of the transaction. Make sure the template contains all the necessary clauses to address the terms of the agreement in a clear and comprehensive manner.

      3. Insertion of clauses and information

        Insert essential clauses and information, such as details of the parties involved, description of the goods or services, payment terms, deadlines and other specific contractual provisions.

        4. Review and editing

          Carefully review the contract to avoid errors or omissions. Consider engaging involved parties or legal advisors to review and provide feedback. During this step, make edits as needed to meet the needs of all parties.

          5. Adding Digital Signatures

            Add the digital signatures of the parties involved – either through the digital signature functionality of the chosen platform or according to local legal requirements. Each party must digitally sign using its digital certificate and corresponding private key.

            6. Storage and management

              Keep the contract securely. Platforms offer cloud storage options or secure servers, ensuring access and protection against loss or tampering.

              How are parties identified with digital certificates?

              To identify the parties involved in a contract with digital certificates and facilitate the process of electronically sending the contract in a safe and efficient way, it is necessary to follow some steps presented below.

              1. Digital certificates

                Each party to the contract must have a valid digital certificate from a trusted certification authority, used to guarantee the authenticity of digital signatures.

                2. Verification of digital certificates

                  Before starting to digitally sign the contract, check the validity and authenticity of the digital certificates of the parties involved, using tools from the certification authority or digital signature platform.

                  3. Electronic submission of the contract

                    The contract can now be sent electronically for signature. Digital signature platforms often offer sending options via email or secure link.

                    4. Notification of parties

                      When submitting the contract electronically, the parties are notified and given instructions on how to access, review, and digitally sign the document.

                      5. Digital signature of the contract

                        Each party accesses the contract electronically with their digital certificate and follows the platform's instructions to add the digital signature, usually by clicking a sign button or entering a password linked to the certificate.

                        6. Confirmation of subscriptions

                          After all parties have digitally signed, the platform generates a final signed document, which can be downloaded and stored securely by all parties. This document serves as proof of the transaction and can be used if necessary.

                          The digital contract signing procedure

                          The parties receive a notification or link to access the contract electronically, which may be via email or digital signature platform. 

                          After accessing, they are asked to authenticate their identity to digitally sign the contract, entering a password associated with the digital certificate or carrying out identity verification, using a code sent by SMS or email. 

                          After authentication, they can digitally sign by clicking a button, followed by confirmation by the platform.

                          The importance of securely archiving contracts with digital signatures

                          It is essential to ensure secure archiving of the digitally signed contract using secure cloud storage services with robust encryption and security measures. Performing regular backups of the contract prevents data loss in the event of a system failure or other incidents, ensuring its integrity and accessibility when necessary.

                          It is essential to control access to the contract to allow only authorized people to view or edit it, and to maintain detailed records about contract archiving, including information about signatures and dates, for auditing and regulatory compliance purposes.

                          The legal validity of digital contracts

                          Digital contracts have globally recognized legal validity, with specific regulations in different countries. In Brazil, Law No. 14.063/2020 equates physical and electronic documents, as long as authenticity and integrity requirements are met.

                          There are different types of electronic signatures: the simple signature is used in less complex transactions, while the digital signature, with digital certificates, is more secure and commonly used in complex commercial and legal transactions.

                          Main benefits of a digitally signed contract

                          The adoption of digital contracts brings several benefits, such as saving time and money, improved security, efficient document organization and facilitating negotiation. 

                          With advanced technologies, digital contracts reduce costs, guarantee authenticity, simplify document management and make negotiations more agile and flexible – true advantages strategic for companies in search of efficiency and success in commercial processes.

                          ⚠️ Also check out these related articles 👇

                          ➡️ Learn how to sign with a digital certificate
                          ➡️ Understand what a digital signature verifier is for
                          ➡️ What is a digital contract and how to adopt one for your company

                          How to make a digital signature?

                          To carry out the digital signature procedure for contracts, there is no mystery – especially if you follow the 10-step tutorial that we present below, detailing everything about how to make a digital signature through the ZapSign platform.

                          Step 1 – Log into the system

                          Visit Our site, and enter your login and password, to then be redirected to the main page.

                          contract with digital signature
                          Step 1

                          Step 2 – Generate a new document

                          Click the “NEW” button to go to the next screen and generate a new document.

                          contract with digital signature
                          Step 2

                          Step 3 – Upload the .PDF file

                          By clicking on “select document”, you will be able to upload the document to be signed.

                          This document must be in the format PDF – therefore, if it is in another format, you must convert the file.

                          contract with digital signature
                          Step 3

                          Step 4 – Sign with digital certificate

                          Select the “Advanced Authentication” option and enter the names of the signatories in the field below “Who will sign”. If the signatories are already added to your contact list, click on the “Contacts” option to select and insert them.

                          Go to “Authentication Method” and click on the last option, “Digital Certificate”.

                          contract with digital signature
                          Step 4

                          Step 5 – Add your own signature to the document

                          If your own signature is also required for document validation, click on the “I will sign” option, enter your name there and tap on the “Continue” button to proceed to the next screen.

                          contract with digital signature
                          Step 5

                          Step 6 – Sort between subscriptions and visas

                          Position where on the document the signatures and visas should be inserted, by clicking on the chosen space, right after the signatory's name, and choosing between signature or visa. 

                          From then on, signatures and visas will be displayed in the places you indicated, just as they usually are on a physical document. Then click on “Save and Continue” to proceed.

                          contract with digital signature
                          Step 6

                          Step 7 – Generate and send the subscription links

                          If contact with your signatory is made via WhatsApp, you must click on the button with the app's logo and send the link directly to the person. 

                          If the chosen medium is another, no problem: just go to the blue icon next to the link to copy it and, later, paste it wherever you prefer.

                          You can also tap the “Enable automatic email sending” option and enter the email addresses of the people who will subscribe.

                          contract with digital signature
                          Step 7

                          Step 8 – Sort the signatories

                          If necessary, use the “Order signatures” button to define the order of signatories, dragging their names on the screen to the appropriate positions. 

                          Once this is done, each signatory will only receive their notification email, advising them to sign the document, when the previous signer has already signed it.

                          contract with digital signature
                          Step 8

                          Step 9 – Finish the procedure

                          You can include a personalized message and activate reminders for those who haven't subscribed yet. Then, just click “Send and finalize” to generate and send the document to the signatories. You will be able to track the progress of signatures as signers sign.

                          contract with digital signature
                          Step 9

                          Step 10 – Your signers sign the document

                          Now, it is up to the signatories to finalize the contract. Upon receiving the link and agreeing to the terms, they will click “Subscribe” and provide basic information for identity verification. They will then sign with their finger, mouse or capacitive pen. When you click “Finish”, the document will be signed, showing the signature on the report and in other designated areas.

                          See how simple it is? If you don't already know ZapSign's solution, click here right now to speak to one of ZapSign's consultants and check out our digital subscription business plans!

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