Why Switch Your Digital Signature Platform to ZapSign

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In the current business scenario, in which the trend towards digitalization sets the tone for operations, agility and efficiency, more than ever, are the main watchwords. In this sense, especially in the field of document management, choosing a digital signature of contracts has proven crucial to speeding up processes, reducing costs and providing an additional layer of security and traceability to contractual relationships.

It is not surprising, therefore, that choosing the ideal platform requires selective criteria – after all, there is much more to consider than simply the act of marking a document with your electronic signature.

This understanding has been growing as the tool has become more widespread. Increasingly, several managers, professionals from different areas and users in general are realizing that not all digital signature solutions available on the market meet their essential needs.

It is not uncommon for real obstacles to arise, such as charges made in Dollars; the lack of integration with other essential tools for business operations; a strong limitation regarding the plans offered, which end up not adapting to the company's growing demands; and, not least, a customer service service that is far below what was desired.

With this in mind, we have created a special article in which we will explore why choosing the right digital signature platform represents a crucial step towards optimizing your workflows and providing a superior experience for your customers. 

Furthermore, we will teach you step by step the procedure for migrating from a specific digital signature platform to the ZapSign solution, without your flow of documents and contracts being compromised.

At the end of this reading, you will have no doubt that ZapSign not only solves all the headaches common to the routine of signing electronic documents, but also takes your efficiency to a new level, offering a complete solution adapted to the specific needs of your company.

So stay with us until the end to understand how our digital signature platform can be the key to optimizing your digital signature processes and ensuring a smooth experience for you and your customers. Let's go?

How to migrate from your current digital contract signature platform to ZapSign

Migrating to ZapSign is a quick, easy and free process, with significant benefits for your business, as you can see by following the step-by-step instructions below.

Step 1: Fill out the form to receive contact from a representative

The first step to switching your digital signature platform to ZapSign is fill out a brief form to request contact from one of our representatives. This is a crucial point in the process as it allows us to understand your specific needs and create a personalized plan for your migration.

When you share your information with us, we are ready to offer expert guidance and answer all of your questions. After all, transitioning to a new platform should be worry-free, and our team is here to make the process as smooth as possible.

Step 2: Let ZapSign automatically migrate platforms

Once we have all the necessary information, it's time to start the migration. ZapSign specializes in making this transition smooth and efficient. It doesn't matter which platform you are currently using; Our team of experts will take care of the entire procedure, ensuring that all your documents and settings are transferred accurately.

Plus, you don't have to worry about your digital signature processes being disrupted during the migration, as we ensure you have continued access to digital signature functionality while we make the transition. Therefore, our team will do everything possible to minimize any impact on your business during this process.

Step 3: Start using ZapSign

Once the migration is complete, you can start using ZapSign without interruption. Simply access our platform for an efficient and hassle-free digital signature experience.

⚠️ Also check out these related articles ????

➡️ Learn how to sign with a digital certificate
➡️ Understand what a digital signature verifier is for
➡️ What is a digital contract and how to adopt one for your company

But, after all, why migrate to ZapSign?

Implementing a digital signature solution in a company is one of the cornerstones for ensuring solid and secure document management.

Since a digital signature platform deals with important information and sensitive data, the importance of ensuring that documents are signed in a legitimate, traceable and efficient way becomes evident, reducing the risk of fraud, errors and loss of information.

Furthermore, an adequate solution simplifies legal compliance and provides reliability in commercial transactions, strengthening the company's reputation with the public and the market as a whole. 

The decision regarding the digital signature platform should therefore not be underestimated as it directly affects the integrity and security of business documents. Indeed, it becomes clear that there is no time to venture into platforms that are not committed to offering maximized performance.

In this sense, the ZapSign platform is consolidated in the market as one of the main references when it comes to electronic signatures.

By migrating to our solution, you will be investing in efficiency, security and a superior experience for your customers. In fact, there are countless competitive differences that the tool presents in relation to the competition. Below, we highlight the main ones:

Affordable prices in Brazilian Real

One of ZapSign's main advantages is its affordable pricing policy. Unlike most platforms that, because they operate on a global level, charge in Dollars for the services offered, ZapSign, although it also operates in other countries, offers transparency and convenience by presenting prices in Real for the Brazilian market. 

This is a somewhat valuable differentiator for Brazilian users, since, when operating in foreign currency, the billing and financial management process tends to become complex, due to exchange rate variations arising from the constant fluctuations in our economy.

Clarity in the hiring process

We know that digital signature acts as a secure substitute, legal e verifiable for the traditional manual signature. However, it becomes somewhat foolhardy to contract any service whose terms presented do not inspire confidence.

In this sense, it may seem difficult to believe, but the number of digital signature solutions on the market that do not clearly establish their contractual conditions is as impressive as it is absurd.

At ZapSign, however, the hiring process takes place in a direct and transparent way – transparency that is reinforced, thanks to complete help guide that we make available to the user.

Integration with other tools

ZapSign understands that digital signatures are part of an ecosystem of business tools. 

Therefore, our solution uses the three main integration tools with other applications on the market: Zapier, Integromat and Pluga – making it possible integrate ZapSign with more than 2 thousand tools, including messaging apps, task organizers, cloud storage services, CRM platforms, and a multitude of other applications.

This integration differential is of great strategic value in ensuring a highly centralized and optimized management process, capable of adding all types of data to your management software each time a document is signed.

Personalized service for customized plans

ZapSign's service focuses on seeking in-depth knowledge about the customer, from the first contact. To this end, our approach takes a careful look at the user's entire background, considering the main information to consider when choosing the plan adopted, such as:

  • who is the person;
  • what is your company works;
  • what is the number of employees;
  • what is the average number of documents sent per month.

Service via WhatsApp

Undoubtedly, the overwhelming majority of the population uses WhatsApp as their main form of virtual communication. However, it is surprising to know that, despite this fact, there are many companies that do not offer the option of service through such an essential channel.

In this regard, ZapSign takes off, greatly facilitating communication and accessibility by allowing contact via WhatsApp as an alternative to traditional email contact.

If you're ready to take the next step and experience the benefits of ZapSign, we invite you to contact us today. Our team is on hand to understand your specific needs and show you how our digital contract signing platform solution can serve your company efficiently and effectively.

Click here to speak to one of our representatives and discover how we can help simplify your workflows and increase your company's productivity!

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