Digital signature: what it is, how it works and how to do it in a document

Table of Contents

Digital signature is essential in all types of companies, but many people still have doubts about how it can be used and what are its benefits. If that's the case for you too, continue reading this article.

Nowadays, there are numerous ways to sign a document digitally, especially the digital signature. In this post, we will explain what is digital signature, how to make a digital signature simply in Word and PDF documents e how to sign documents by whatsapp.

Below are the indexes of all the topics we will cover:

    What is digital signature?

    Digital signature is a resource that proves the identity of its signatories in a secure way, from cryptography, virtual key and digital certificate. Furthermore, it assumes the same legality as a handwritten signature on paper documents.

    She is a kind of electronic signature whose concept is linked to the use of any electronic or digital mechanism to validate the authorship of an act. 

    The electronic signature has legal validity in virtually every country in the world. In Brazil, it was introduced by several norms, in particular by article 10, § 2, of the Provisional Measure No. 2.200-2/2001 and by Provisional Measure No. 983 of 2020.

    Na digital signature, the signatory uses a digital certificate to prove its authorship. The digital certificate must be issued by a Brazilian certification authority, in accordance with the standards of the Brazilian Public Key Infrastructure (ICP-Brazil). Examples of digital certificate are the e-CNPJ and the OAB token used by lawyers. There are also types of digital certificates, such as A1 and A3.

    Both the electronic signature and the digital signature have legal validity, in accordance with Provisional Measure No. 2.200-2 of 2001 and Provisional Measure No. 983 of 2020. In this text, we treat electronic signatures and digital signatures interchangeably, since in most situations they have the same effects.

    What is the difference between digital and electronic signature?

    When it comes to online documents, this question is very common: what is the difference between electronic and digital signature? After all, the terms are similar and have elements in common, to the point of being confused as synonyms. However, here we raise the main differences between them.

    What are the characteristics of electronic signature?

    First, let's try to better understand what a electronic signature. As we said earlier, it involves the use of electronic or digital means to make an act valid. Therefore, it is a broad term, as it encompasses all types of signatures that use this technology, including digital. Let's see some examples:

    • authentication with login and password: this is one of the most common, as it is present both in personal life to access e-mail or social networks and in professional life to use management tools, for example;  
    • Biometry: as the fingerprint is unique, biometrics is used to identify personal accesses such as bank accounts;
    • facial recognition: another electronic form frequently used to allow the entry of authorized persons in certain places and also access via mobile applications;
    • Tokens: in this case, a key is sent via SMS or e-mail to the person to confirm that he/she is the one performing the access electronically.

    In all these cases, for the electronic signature to have legal validity, it must be full (i.e. ensure the document cannot be altered), authentic (i.e. able to identify the author of the signature by means of a private key) and have the record of the manner and day on which the signature was made.

    Due to its practicality, the electronic signature has been increasingly used in the daily life of companies that need to sign documents frequently.

    What are the characteristics that differentiate the digital signature from the electronic one?

    Now that the concept of the two subscription types is clear, let's see what their differences are.

    The electronic signature gathers all the formats used to sign or validate a document or the identification of a specific person. 

    A digital signature is a type of electronic signature that uses encryption to make it valid, in addition to requiring a digital certificate.

    The digital certificate issuance process usually takes a few business days. The first step to take is to pay the fees for your registration and then follow the supplier institution's procedures to complete the subscription registration.

    Then you can use your signature on electronic documents in an authenticated way.

    On which documents can the digital signature be used?

    The legislation does not restrict this means of authentication, so it is possible to use the digital signature to prove the authorship of several documents, such as (example list):

    • contracts and amendments;
    • documents relating to the employment relationship (payrolls, terminations, forms, warnings);
    • medical prescriptions, health reports;
    • payment or service orders;
    • purchase and sale contracts.

    How does digital signature work in practice?

    As with physical signatures, digital signatures have the main function of designating each signatory. Companies that offer this service must follow a protocol called PKI (Public Key Infrastructure). It requires the provider to use a mathematical algorithm to generate the keys that can be public or private.

    Thus, from the moment a person signs a digital document, the signature is created from the private key through a secure procedure followed by the signer. 

    The algorithm creates a dataset that corresponds to the signed document – ​​which we call a hash – and encrypts them to generate the digital signature that is recorded with the day and time it was made, so the signature loses validity if the document is altered.

    Let's see a practical example? João is an insurance broker and is about to close a deal with a client. Then he sends the digital contract with your signature for the customer to sign too. It sends a copy of João's public key capable of decrypting it, which proves that the document was actually signed by João, making it valid.

    In short, this is the path that occurs when a digital signature is made:

    1. the signer accesses the digital document and executes the command to sign it;
    2. the hash creates a dataset corresponding to that document;
    3. your private key encrypts this data;
    4. the signed digital document is generated;
    5. the signer sends the signed document for the other party to sign too;
    6. the values ​​of the hash algorithm and the decrypted public key are checked and considered valid when they are equal;
    7. the other person who must sign the document receives it with the information that it has been signed by the other party and that the signature is valid.

    What are the advantages of using a digital signature?

    There are several benefits that a digital signature brings, we list the main ones below.

    Faster document signing

    The signing of physical documents goes through a lengthy process when the parties involved are not in the same place. After all, it is necessary for the first signer to sign it and send it to the other person who must also sign. After doing so, she needs to send the document back to the sender.

    Depending on the place where the parties reside and the method of delivery chosen, this procedure can take days and delay the contracted actions if their execution requires the signed document.

    With digital signature, this same process becomes faster and simpler, because just one click for the file to be signed.

    Cost reduction

    Do you have any idea of ​​the amount of expenses involved in signing a physical document? Well, let's check each one.

    We start with the shipment, which involves the services of a motoboy, post office or carrier that takes the printed document to one of the subscribers. Incidentally, printing also requires toner, ink and paper costs. Perhaps the cost of this seems small considering the issuance of 1 document, but it will certainly make a difference when the volume is higher.

    You also need a space to store all these papers. With the passage of time, it should be bigger and bigger as we see in some offices of accounting which have rooms fully dedicated to storing printed documents.

    Decreased displacement of people and benefits for the environment

    The digital signature also has the benefit of involving fewer people in the process who need to constantly travel to take documents to the parties, which represents a huge advantage for the environment.

    Maybe some don't consider it that important, because what difference does one less motoboy make amid so many companies that still operate with sending physical documents, right?

    However, if everyone does their part until everyone does too, the consequence will be a decrease in Co2 which will benefit the planet and the people who live on it. So that all companies can adhere to the digital signature, ZapSign has plans that meet the most varied market needs.

    Decreased proliferation of viruses and bacteria 

    Digital documents save the use of places destined to store physical documents, which, by the way, require a series of care, such as making sure that the place is cool and with low humidity.

    High temperatures and humid environments can cause the papers to deteriorate more quickly, which allows the proliferation of insects, fungi and bacteria that are harmful to health.

    Reduction in paper consumption

    Imagine the following situation: a client of yours asks you to review the (physical) contract you signed a long time ago, which makes you go to the room where all the documents are stored and check them one by one until you find what you want.

    Have you ever thought about the time needed to carry out this time? That's the same time you could dedicate to getting more customers and growing your revenue. To find the documents signed digitally, just look for them in the platform used to make the signatures and that's it. In less than 1 minute you do what could take 1 hour to look for a printed file.

    What's more, it also helps to reduce deforestation. Did you know that for every ton of paper, 11 trees have to be cut down? Whereas Brazil has approximately 19 million companies and that many use physical documents, think about the good we will do for nature by going digital. 

    Faster deal closing

    "I need this for yesterday." You've certainly heard or said that expression at some point at work, right? It is not for less, because the processes trading has become faster and faster, which requires actions that follow the same pace.

    This makes contract signatures also need to be dynamic, which is beneficial for any type of business. While an agreement that involves handwritten signature takes time, digital is fast, which means you have more contracts closed per month.


    Have you ever stopped signing a document because you are in another state where you don't have a notarized signature? This problem no longer belongs to you with the digital signature, as you can sign it wherever you are, even with your cell.

    ZapSign allows you to use the platform not only via desktop, but also from your smartphone. So, regardless of where you are, you can sign the document in just one click.

    How to make a digital signature?

    ZapSign has a proprietary electronic signature platform

    Developed especially for the collection of electronic and digital signatures, in addition to presenting a simple, intuitive and highly uncomplicated interface, the tool offers a solution capable of simplifying the entire process of signing electronic documents. At the same time, it also guarantees the full legal validity of the signed documents.

    In addition to all this, the ZapSign platform stands out for its high levels of compatibility and multimedia integration, and can be used either by a personal computer, such as a PC or notebook, or by a mobile device, such as a cell phone or tablet.

    Still in the sense of high integrability, another advantage of the tool is the fact that it has, in its functionalities, integration with various digital communication media, ranging from traditional e-mail and SMS to the main messaging applications on the market, how WhatsApp and Telegram. 

    So, you won't have any difficulties using these channels to send document links to your customers, partners and suppliers so that they can easily sign them with their finger, mouse or in whatever way they prefer.

    ZapSign basically has three different hiring plans that we list below.

    essential plan

    The essential plan is the first possible alternative for you who want to use the ZapSign subscription platform. The package is available for free, and allows up to five documents to be signed per month. 

    This is a good option for those who wish, before definitively joining the platform, to try it out, in order to assess how well it suits their company's document management practices.

    professional plan

    If you are already convinced about the advantages offered by hiring ZapSign's electronic signature platform, then have no doubt that the professional plan can be a good starting point for your business. By choosing to adopt this plan, you can sign up to 20 documents per month. 

    In addition, with the professional plan, in addition to the greater number of subscriptions allowed, you can also apply the team concept in your contractual management, inviting five more users to join your team and use the platform with you.

    Complete Plan

    For larger companies, which have a larger team and are used to dealing with a large flow of issuing and receiving contracts and other documents, the complete plan is certainly the ideal choice. 

    Subscribers to this plan are allowed to add up to not just five, but ten users to the team, in addition to being guaranteed an unlimited amount of document issuance each month.

    Once you have decided which plan to adopt, you are ready to join our digital and electronic signature platform and start signing your electronic documents with it.

    There is no mystery to this – our tool has an extremely easy and fast process, especially if you follow the 10-step tutorial that we will present below, detailing everything about how to make a digital signature by ZapSign:

    Step 1 – Log into the system

    First, you must access the Our site, and inform your login and password, to then be forwarded to the main page.

    How to make a digital signature

    Step 2 – Generate a new document

    Once you are logged in and inside the ZapSign dashboard, click on the “NEW” button to go to the next screen and generate a new document.

    How to make a digital signature

    Step 3 – Upload the .PDF file

    By clicking on “select document”, you will be able to upload the document to be signed.

    This document must be in the format PDF – therefore, if it is in another format, you must convert the file. 

    The conversion can be done for free on several sites, such as, for example, this one.

    How to make a digital signature

    Step 4 – Sign with digital certificate

    To sign with a digital certificate, it's simple: after logging in to ZapSign and uploading the file, you must select the “Advanced Authentication” option. 

    Enter the names of the signatories in the field below “Who will sign”. If the signatories are already added to your contact list, click on the “Contacts” option to select and insert them. This option is located below the area for entering the names of signatories.

    After defining the signatory, you must click on the “Authentication Method” option and click on the last option, “Digital Certificate”.

    About this functionality, it is important to remember a few points:

    • the use of this resource has a cost of R$ 0,50 per signature with digital certificate;
    • it is not yet possible to position or edit the signature of the signer who will sign the document with a digital certificate;
    • signers with a digital certificate must necessarily be the last to sign the document
    • Before requesting a signature via digital certificate by ZapSign, you cannot fail to verify the validity of the digital certificate of the recipient of the document, or it will not be possible to use this authentication method in the contract.
    How to make a digital signature

    Step 5 – Add your own signature to the document

    If your own signature is also required for document validation, click on the “I will sign” option, enter your name there and tap on the “Continue” button to proceed to the next screen.

    How to make a digital signature

    Step 6 – Sort between subscriptions and visas

    On this screen, you must position in which document locations the signatures and visas must be inserted. 

    To do so, it is only necessary to click on the chosen space, right after the signatory's name, and choose between signature or visa. 

    From then on, signatures and visas will be displayed in the places you indicated, just as they usually are on a physical document. Then click on “Save and Continue” to proceed.

    How to make a digital signature

    Step 7 – Generate and send the subscription links

    It's time to generate the signature links. If the contact with your signatory - regardless of being a customer, partner or distributor - is made by WhatsApp, you must click on the button with the app logo and send the link directly to the person. 

    If the chosen medium is another, no problem: just go to the blue icon next to the link to copy it and, later, paste it wherever you prefer.

    There is also the option to send your document by e-mail – after all, as it is a traditional form of digital communication, most companies adopt e-mail as a standard procedure. 

    In this case, tap on the “Enable automatic sending by email” option and enter the email addresses of the people who will be signing.

    How to make a digital signature

    Step 8 – Sort the signatories

    If it is necessary to establish a specific order for the signatures, this can be done easily via the “Order signatures” button. In this way, the order will be defined by dragging the names of the signatories on the screen to the appropriate positions. 

    Once this is done, each signatory will only receive their notification email, advising them to sign the document, when the previous signer has already signed it.

    How to make a digital signature

    Step 9 – Finish the procedure

    Finally, you can also create a personalized message to be sent along with the notification email, in addition to activating notifications with reminders for those who have not yet subscribed. 

    When all the steps are completed, click on “Submit and Finish” and that's it! The document was duly generated and sent to the respective signatories. 

    From there, you can follow the progress of the signatures, as your signers open the link and sign the file.

    How to make a digital signature

    Step 10 – Your signers sign the document

    Now that you've done everything you need to, the last step to be taken to sign the contract is no longer up to you, but to your signatories. 

    Once they have received the link to sign the document – ​​whether by WhatsApp, email or any other means -, they just need to click on the link to open the document, read it very carefully and then, being in accordance with the terms set out therein, click on the “Subscribe” option.

    On the next screen, some basic information from the signer will be asked for the purpose of verifying their identity: full name, email address and phone number.

    Then, the signatory must click on "Continue" and sign normally, as if it were on paper - however, using the finger, mouse, capacitive pen or in the way that best suits the device used.

    Then, just click on “Finish” for the document to be signed. The signature will appear at the end of the document, in the signature report, and also in the other places where you have positioned it.

    By following the 10 steps in this guide, you will have no difficulty using our platform perfectly. 

    Anyway, it is also worth remembering that you can subscribe to our Youtube channel, in which we constantly provide videos with various related content, not only about how to digitally sign through ZapSign, but also detailing in more detail each feature of our platform.

    ⚠️ Also check out these related articles 👇

    ➡️ How to make a free digital signature in Word
    ➡️ Digital signature MP: how Provisional Measure No. 2.200-2 works
    ➡️ ZapSign: Electronic Signature Without Mysteries

    Is it possible to get a free digital subscription?

    Yes, it is possible to send documents to free digital subscription. ZapSign, for example, offers the subscription of up to 5 (five) free monthly documents, so you can familiarize yourself before opting for a premium subscription (with several additional features). 

    It is worth mentioning that signing a document is always free – the limit of 5 documents is only applied to those who send the document.

    How much does a digital signature cost?

    ZapSign offers several plans adaptable to different needs, starting with Web Plans which we have listed below.

    Professional Plan

    Ideal for small businesses, this plan allows for up to 240 documents per year. The cost is R$29,90 monthly, with the option of a single annual installment of R$358,80. Includes 6 users and brand customization, suitable for smaller teams.

    Team Plan

    Designed for growing teams, it offers up to 900 documents per year. With a monthly price of R$79,90 or a single installment of R$958,80 per year, this plan supports 8 users and also allows for brand customization.

    Complete Plan

    For businesses that require a greater volume, this plan proposes unlimited documents for R$99,00 per month or R$1.188,00 per year. Serves up to 11 users and maintains the possibility of customizing the brand.

    Enterprise Plan

    This plan is fully customizable, aiming to serve companies that require unlimited scalability. Financial details are tailored to specific needs, and include features such as unlimited users, single sign-on, and free migration.

    Moving on to the API Plans, we have these that we show below.

    API Start Plan

    With a limit of 960 documents per year, the cost is R$79,90 per month or a single installment of R$958,80 per year. Allows users and API, and additional documents cost R$1,37 each.

    API Grow Plan

    This plan covers up to 2.400 documents per year, costing R$219,90 monthly or R$2.638,80 annually. In addition to users and API, extra documents cost R$1,25.

    API Scale Plan

    Aimed at high demands, it allows up to 6.000 documents annually for R$449,90 per month or R$5.398,80 per year. Includes users and API, and each additional document costs R$0,98.

    Enterprise Plan

    Similar to the Enterprise plan of the Web Plans, it is customizable to meet specific integration and API needs, including integration support and free migration.

    Each ZapSign plan was created with different user profiles and business needs in mind, ensuring flexibility and efficiency in the use of digital signatures.

    Legal validity of the digital signature

    First of all, it is essential to clarify that both the physical signature and the digital signature may have their validity questioned, so that it is impossible to say that one has greater legal value than the other.

    When signing a document in the traditional way (paper and pen) you are inserting your brand, in order to convince the recipient of the document that the signature contained therein is capable of linking your manifestation of will for having similarity or the same standards, when compared to other documents signed by you.

    That is, in the event that your physical signature is confronted, the only way to confirm or deny its validity will be through the performance of a graphotechnical expertise, in which a specialized professional can attest or not its validity.

    In the case of a digital signature, the signatory's will is confirmed by other means, using various mechanisms, such as: the signature itself (brand or sign) made on a device (smartphone/tablet), use of a digital password , registration of the document signer's IP data, registration of information on the device where the signature was performed, use of a token sent by email or SMS, geolocation or even a selfie.

    The digital signature has legal validity in practically every country in the world. In Brazil, it was introduced by several rules, in particular by article 10, § 2, of Provisional Measure No. 2.200-2/2001 and by Provisional Measure No. 983 of 2020.

    Legal basis of digital signature

    Going into the legalese a little, the rationale for accepting the Digital Signature is divided into 03 large groups.

    Between individuals (individuals or legal entities with other natural or legal persons)

    The grounds for accepting digital signatures in private documents are vast, including the following:

    • Brazilian Civil Code in its articles 104, 107 and 225;
    • Code of Civil Procedure in its article 369, 411, 440 and 441;
    • Provisional Measure 2.200–2/2001.

    In short, if there is no express mention in the law forbidding the digital signature, any and all documents signed digitally, between individuals, are valid, this includes: contracts and terminations, receipts, payroll, service orders, meeting and assembly minutes , among others.

    It is important to note that in order for a digital signature to be accepted and validated in the event of any questioning, it must meet the following technical requirements:

    • Authenticity: registration of user authentication, such as signature, facial biometrics, among others;
    • Intent and non-repudiation: records that prove the origin, submission, delivery and integrity of the signature process. Preventing a signatory from denying its action and intent to sign;
    • Integrity: records and creation of an integrity code to verify the originality of the document;
    • Timeliness: date and time record of the action taken;
    • Confidentiality: record of all those who had access to the document.

    Between individuals and public entities (individuals or legal entities with public entities)

    With regard to digital signatures between individuals and public entities, the brand new MP 983/2020 emerged at a time when the social isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the trend of using electronic means to formalize legal business.

    This standard classified digital signatures and their use in 03 large groups, they are:

    1. simple electronic signature: can be used when the communication does not involve information protected by a degree of secrecy;
    2. advanced electronic signature: it may be used when it involves information classified or protected by a degree of secrecy and in the records before the commercial boards;
    3. qualified electronic signature: can be used in any communication with public entities, provided that its use is mandatory in acts of transfer and registration of real estate, in normative acts signed by certain public entities and in other cases provided for by law.

    It is worth noting that the MP allowed that, during the COVID-19 pandemic period, the minimum levels established by public entities may be relaxed in relation to the requirements listed above, with the aim of reducing face-to-face contacts or dealing with possible impossibilities of carrying out the signature differently.

    Documents signed by health professionals

    The information exchanged between health professionals and their patients requires special protection and must follow not only the laws, but also the numerous determinations of the professional bodies responsible for creating specific rules so that this communication takes place in the highest degree of secrecy and confidentiality. .

    Within this context, MP 983 of 2020 provides that documents signed by health professionals and related to their area of ​​expertise are valid for all purposes when signed with an advanced digital signature or qualified digital signature.

    In the case of digital signatures for medical prescriptions, the same MP establishes that medical prescriptions in electronic media will only be valid if they contain the professional's digital signature and if they meet the requirements of an act of the Collegiate Board of the National Health Surveillance Agency or the Minister of Health. State of Health, according to the respective competences.


    As you can see in this article, there are several ways to make a digital signature. If you want to know more, nothing better than trying out how it works in practice, right? Therefore, register with ZapSign and start now!

    2 comments on “Digital signature: what it is, how it works and how to do it in a document”

    1. Good afternoon, dear

      I would like to know the validity of contracts signed through zapsign signatures.

      Considering the judicial scope, could this contract be considered null?

      Is zapsign a competent body like the Digital Certificate for validation of signatures and contract formalization?

      • Tatiani, good afternoon!
        The electronic signature marketed by ZapSign has a legal basis in article 10, § 2, of Provisional Measure No. electronically, including those using certificates not issued by ICP-Brasil”.
        Thus, signatures made via ZapSign have legal validity and can be used in contracts.
        It is worth remembering that only companies that issue and sell digital certificates need recognition or approval from ICP Brasil.


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