ZapGPT: How to use ChatGPT on WhatsApp

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In the middle of the era of electronic media, digital tools are increasingly dictating the paths of the most diverse sectors of society in which we live. Whether in everyday life or in the professional field, the influence of recent technological innovations is increasingly strong and inevitable, ZapGPT is one of them.

Considering this context, the online service it ceased to simply represent a differentiator for companies and became a basic item for survival in the market – especially after the pandemic period.

After all, it was a time that brought to light the need to carry out the most varied activities remotely - a trend that extends to the present day, with the global crisis generated by the virus already under control.

Therefore, we can easily observe that, while good customer service virtual channels are indispensable for sales conversion and customer engagement and loyalty, a bad communication can be responsible for destroying the prestige of a brand, both in front of the public and in the entire market.

Therefore, the constant need to adopt the best and most current online service practices. In this sense, we highlight ZapGPT as a simply indispensable tool.

Although it was not developed for this sole purpose, it has been revolutionizing the market due to its versatility, efficiency and agility, in addition to being based on modern technology that, as we will see below, can be easily integrated into the most diverse applications and services.

Throughout this article, we clarify everything you need to know to apply this artificial intelligence feature to your WhatsApp service. Let's go?

What, anyway, is ZapGPT?

We can define ZapGPT as an automated conversation assistant that, through a robust artificial intelligence with a high capacity for assimilation and interpretation of information, proves to be extremely capable of elaborating and providing instant and personalized answers to practically any and all types of questions presented. by users, leading true complete virtual dialogues.

This impressive digital tool was developed by the Brazilian company EnablersDAO, based on the Chat GPT.

ChatGPT is nothing more than a modern artificial intelligence algorithm developed by OpenAI, a renowned laboratory in San Francisco, USA, specialized in research in the artificial intelligence sector. 

GPT is an acronym that stands for “Generative Pre-Trained Transformer”. It must be recognized that this nomenclature fits like a glove, as it perfectly describes the concept of this technology, since the entire basis for the development of the ChatGPT algorithm was established with a focus on intelligent virtual dialogues.

Based precisely on neural networks and machine learning, ChatGPT serves the purpose of improving the communication experience with the user and expanding the possibilities offered by the use of popular virtual assistants – such as, for example, Alexa and Google Assistant.

Thus, it provides the user with a simple, efficient and accessible way to carry out virtual conversations and obtain accurate and adequate answers to their needs.

Here, it is worth talking a little more about the neural network model on which the development of ChatGPT was based, called the Transformer model. Basically, it is a neural network for learning contexts and meanings through the monitoring of relationships in sequential data and mathematical techniques, in order to detect how the data are interconnected, albeit in subtle ways, in order to generate products of different meanings.

In other words, it is a technology designed with the main purpose of offering a sophisticated text generation model, feeding the platform with data. 

It assimilates the most diverse keywords and interprets the different meanings and contexts that they can assume, in order to provide complete and refined answers to the questions presented.

The most impressive thing is that this whole process takes place in an extremely personalized and continuously improved way.

After all, in addition to the platform's response being generated based on pre-programmed information and the processing of new information to which it is submitted, there is also influence from the history of conversations between the user and the virtual assistant - which is why the model has been revolutionizing technology. way people relate to the digital environment.

Having said all that, it is not surprising that ZapGPT has been gaining more and more prominence in the market and in the corporate environment. 

Based on these ingenious and bold foundations, this artificial intelligence model establishes itself as a perfect solution for delivering a unique and differentiated experience – including serving as a powerful tool for improvement of the customer service process.

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What are the benefits of ZapGPT?

As it is a tool capable of delivering not only precise and accurate answers, but also personalized and relevant to every type of question or need, ZapGPT represents a kind of intelligent and accessible mentor for its user.

It's no surprise, then, that an efficient implementation of using ZapGPT in your practices can provide enormous benefits in decision-making and goal achievement – ​​and that goes for your everyday personal life as well as your business. 

Below, we will present some of the main advantages observed, from a professional point of view:

  • high degree of integration with other apps and services, transforming the user experience;
  • raising the levels of efficiency and productivity in companies;
  • significant increase in customer satisfaction levels during the service process;
  • scalability potential, since companies that use these resources can serve a large number of customers, without having to hire new employees;
  • improvement in the data analysis process in companies, improving the follow-up process of interactions between public and brand;
  • high customization, since the tool is able to learn about the specific information referring to the company – thus offering a standardized care quality.

How does ZapGPT work?

As mentioned above, ZapGPT works using ChatGPT as a base. The main difference between the two is that ZapGPT was specially developed to work via WhatsApp, so that the user has constant access to artificial intelligence.

According to Tiago Morelli, one of the founders of EnablersDAO, WhatsApp was chosen precisely because it is one of the most accessed virtual communication channels in Brazil. In this way, the process of asking questions, queries or asking for tips on a particular subject becomes not only extremely easy, but also accessible and inclusive.

Unlike the original version, however, there is no way to separate the creations by categories, creating different chats with different themes. In ZapGPT, it has also been observed that responses tend to be shorter

Connecting to ZapGPT is very simple. After accessing the tool website and click on “Test now”, just choose the desired plan and accept the terms of use to be directed to the WhatsApp chat with ZapGPT and learn about its features. 

Another way to connect to the service is by sending a message to the number +55 (11) 91000-2248 via WhatsApp itself.

The free plan allows the user to send up to 10 messages per month to the platform. On the other hand, the paid plan allows, among other benefits, the sending of an unlimited number of messages, at the cost of a monthly subscription.

ZapSign tested ZapGPT and asked the tool a few questions. Check out the result below!

How can ZapGPT help companies' online service?

“ZapGPT can help companies improve their online customer service by providing 24/7 quick and personalized responses, scalability, data analysis and more efficient interactions with customers. 

It can be integrated with different service platforms and trained with company-specific information to deliver a more relevant and satisfying service experience to customers.”

How to use WhatsApp online service to collect electronic signatures?

“The WhatsApp online service can be used to collect electronic signatures through an automated conversation assistant. The assistant can guide the customer through the signing process, collecting necessary information such as name, email address and digital signature. 

The collected information may be stored in a secure database and used to validate signature authenticity. This process helps streamline and make the electronic signature collection process more convenient for companies.”

Do you know ZapSign?

“Yes, I know ZapSign. ZapSign is an electronic signature platform that allows the collection, storage and verification of electronic signatures on documents. 

It offers a fast, secure and easy-to-use solution for document signing, allowing companies to save time and reduce costs. Additionally, ZapSign enables verification of the authenticity of collected signatures, helping to ensure the legal validity of signed documents.”

Taking advantage of the fact that we are talking about the best technological tools for WhatsApp, now that you've checked out this article about ZapGPT, how about knowing how to use WhatsApp to make an electronic signature? 

Continue with us and see this content that we have prepared on the subject!

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