What are the 11 main technological trends for companies in 2024?

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The business scenario is constantly evolving, driven by the rapid advancement of technology. As we enter 2024, it is imperative that organizations pay attention to the technology trends that will shape the future of business.

In this article, we will analyze in detail the 11 main ones that promise to transform the conduct of business management all over the world.

The rapid evolution of the business technology landscape

As we enter 2024, the importance of the technological revolution for organizations is more evident than ever.

Reflecting a constant process of advancement and innovation that was already beginning timidly a few decades ago, these technologies are, today, the catalysts for seismic changes, providing operational efficiency, strategic insights and a level of connectivity that previously seemed like science fiction.

The ability to adapt to changes is no longer an option but an essential necessity for survival and survival. business success.

The top 11 technology trends for companies in 2024

Amid this dynamic panorama, the biggest business managers seek not only to follow, but to lead the ongoing technological revolution. Below, the 11 main technological trends that will shape the path of companies in 2024.

1. Artificial Intelligence

In 2024, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is ready to transcend its theoretical status and become a fundamental pillar in the daily operations of companies. In addition to traditional applications in data analysis and process automation, AI will expand into new territories, driving the personalization of customer experiences, optimization of supply chains and even the creation of innovative products.

AI’s ability to learn, adapt and anticipate patterns becomes a strategic advantage, transforming not only operational efficiency but also informed decision-making.

2. Convergence between IT and security

In 2024, integration between IT and Security teams becomes crucial in the face of growing cyber threats.

This strategic merger not only improves security posture, but also strengthens organizational resilience in the face of increasingly sophisticated attacks. Close collaboration between IT and Security teams is not just a reactive response, but a strategy proactively identify, prevent and remediate threats in real time.

By breaking down traditional barriers between these disciplines, companies are preparing to face cyber challenges in a unified and robust way, solidifying digital defense in a world where security is imperative.

3. Evolution of hyperscalers

In 2024, the evolution of hyperscalers, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, and others, will continue to play a key role in digital transformation and advancing technologies. Collaboration between hyperscalers and AI models will have significant impacts on analyzing real-time data and improving decision-making.

Hyperscalers already invest in AI services, including machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision. These services will be enhanced, facilitating the development of AI solutions for more comprehensive analysis and real-time insights, promoting informed decisions.

Hyperscalers will invest in advanced solutions for data security, collaborating with AI for automation, resource optimization and integration into Edge Computing services. This will improve operational efficiency and reduce latency in critical cases such as IoT and industrial automation.

4. Zero trust models

In a context where the workforce operates in both physical and virtual environments, the zero trust approach assumes that no user, device or network can be automatically trusted, even if it is within the corporate network.

Zero trust models take a risk-based approach, requiring continuous authentication and identity validation regardless of the user's location – ensuring security is not dependent on physical location and implementing strict and robust access controls.

These models mitigate insider threats by constantly validating the authorization of authenticated users. By prioritizing user identity and continuous authentication, this approach provides an extra layer of protection over traditional models centered on firewalls and physical perimeters.

5. Investment in IT focused on business results

In 2024, organizations will start investing in IT with a focus on business results, aligning resources with specific goals to ensure a tangible return on investments.

There is a growing emphasis on rigorously evaluating Return on Investment (ROI) in IT projects, ensuring that investments contribute significantly to business growth, operational efficiency and competitive advantages.

In a new IT spending paradigm, flexibility is essential. Models such as cloud services and Software as a Service (SaaS) allow adjustments in spending according to needs, providing agility in dynamic business environments.

More robust governance practices, based on shared understanding between IT leaders and business executives about challenges and opportunities, enable the identification of solutions that add real value to business results.

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6. Progress in quantum computing

The progress of quantum computing promises significant transformations in business sectors. Although in its early stages, this technology has the potential to optimize complex processes and solve challenges – especially in cryptography, molecular simulation and supply chain optimization.

While challenges remain, such as qubit stability, the potential impact lies in accelerating innovation, process optimization, and valuable insights from complex data. Research strategies, partnerships, and early understanding are crucial to capitalizing on opportunities as quantum computing matures.

7. Human skills in the age of AI

In the age of Artificial Intelligence, human skills are crucial for effective customer interactions. While AI brings efficiency, human characteristics such as emotional understanding and empathy stand out in business relationships. These skills are especially relevant in sectors that require personalization and understanding individual needs.

Human skills in interpreting nuance and context are irreplaceable, especially in industries like customer service, where understanding between the lines is vital to solving complex problems and building trust.

Therefore, in 2024, companies that recognize the importance of these human skills in the age of AI are investing in training and qualifications to ensure that their professionals are equipped to effectively combine AI with their Skills human beings.

8. Social engineering attacks

The increasing sophistication of cyberattacks and social engineering attacks requires special attention to protecting identity and sensitive information.

Many of these attacks disguise themselves as legitimate communications. Users are often tricked into revealing confidential information, such as passwords or banking details, through persuasive techniques.

Therefore, implementing advanced security solutions such as two-factor authentication; regular cybersecurity awareness trainings; and advanced phishing detection technologies will be top organizational priorities in 2024.

9. AI Energy Usage

The computational power required by AI algorithms, especially in training complex models, is contributing significantly to global energy consumption. This issue requires a cautious approach to environmental impact mitigation.

Strategies such as developing more efficient algorithms, using optimized hardware, and transitioning to renewable energy sources become crucial to reducing the carbon footprint associated with the expansion of AI.

10. AI Risk Mitigation

As AI becomes deeply integrated across industries, the importance of creating guidelines that define ethical standards and principles of transparency, accountability, and cybersecurity is becoming evident.

In this sense, it is essential to consider the social impacts of AI. Creating guidelines should address issues such as algorithmic bias and potential negative effects on the workforce. Guidelines should guide AI development in a way that promotes equity, diversity and inclusion.

11. Digital signature

The adoption of digital signatures has dominated the most diverse sectors – after all, it is an efficient and secure solution, with an important role in the digital transformation of several industries.

Digital signatures use encryption to authenticate the signer's identity and guarantee the integrity of the document, significantly reducing the risks of forgery or manipulation – which is essential for any company, especially in highly regulated sectors such as BFSI and healthcare.

In the IT sector, digital signature plays a vital role in authenticating users and protecting sensitive data. The increasing virtualization of business processes highlights the need for solutions that guarantee the authenticity and integrity of electronically transmitted data.

In addition to increasing security, digital signature speeds up workflows, improving operational efficiency and contributing to agility in daily operations.

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