Pomodoro technique: how does it work and how many to do per day?

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When the work routine is very intense, it is not uncommon to get that feeling that time is never enough to handle all the demands, which, in turn, seem to keep increasing. Several times, this scenario leads us to consider the use of time management methods such as Pomodoro technique.

Especially after the pandemic period, when many professional activities began to be carried out at home, there is a great difficulty in relation to time management - something natural to happen, since carrying out all the different day-to-day tasks it can even be a challenge to concentration and productivity.

Faced with this reality, it is vital to search for differentiated and effective ways of managing our efforts and optimizing the time spent on the many activities that we need to perform. 

In order to meet this need and avoid problems such as burnout, procrastination and the bad consequences of failing to fulfill essential commitments, several task organization tools are being adopted. Among these tools, the so-called Pomodoro Technique stands out.

Here, you will know everything you need about this strategic time management methodology and day, to never lose focus on your main tasks and be able to keep up to date with all of them, without harming yourself. 

Read on!

What is the Pomodoro Technique?

Developed in 1988 by the Italian consultant Francesco Cirillo, the Pomodoro Technique is a methodology for time management whose application is of great strategic value for the most diverse demands of everyday life – from studies to work.

In his book, “The Pomodoro Technique”, Cirillo defines that time should be used as a powerful ally so that we not only accomplish what we want to accomplish, but also in the way we want. To this end, the method is based mainly on the premise that mental agility can be stimulated through regular breaks.

It is a method that allows us to clearly visualize the nature, quantity and quality of the proposed activities, as well as the main factors of difficulty for their execution. Therefore, the Pomodoro Technique also proves to be a valuable instrument for the continuous improvement of the processes worked on.

How does the Pomodoro Technique work?

The name of the Pomodoro Technique, whose origin derives from the Italian word for tomato, alludes to a traditional stopwatch used in gastronomy, whose shape alludes to the red fruit. 

According to the method, the tomato serves to measure the time in which you will carry out a certain task, so that each pomodoro is divided into four parts. Each part equals 30 minutes.

That said, to make use of the Pomodoro Technique, you'll only need two things: an alarm clock or timer and a place to take notes on your activities (whether it's a piece of paper, a pad or some device like a computer or cell phone).

Basically, what the method does is predict a two-hour work cycle, divided into four steps of 25 minutes each. After spending 25 minutes doing a certain activity, you rest for 5 minutes, then resume work - and so on, until the two-hour cycle is complete. 

After the end of this cycle, you will have 30 minutes of rest, and then you must repeat the process.

There are also two additional points to consider during the execution of the method:


It is important to use rest time properly, avoiding any activity that involves mental effort. This is due to the fact that the purpose of this break is precisely to reorganize the mind, absorbing everything you've done so far. So if the break isn't used to really give your mind a break, it won't do you much good.

We recommend using this time to have a snack, drink water, listen to music, stretch or simply (and why not?) relax, doing absolutely nothing.


Another very characteristic point of the Pomodoro technique is the recommendation that, every time a certain activity is interrupted, mark it with an apostrophe for each interruption. Any and all interruptions, no matter the reason, must be recorded: from a simple trip to the bathroom or a phone call, for example.

This measurement is important for you to be able to evaluate the interruptions that have occurred and determine which ones are really necessary and which ones can be easily avoided.

What are the benefits of the Pomodoro Technique?

As you may have noticed, the Pomodoro Technique is a organization tool that provides a series of advantages to your work process. The main benefits observed are:

  • decreased levels of anxiety;
  • increased focus and concentration;
  • control and reduction of unnecessary interruptions;
  • increased motivation and determination;
  • burnout reduction;
  • optimization of the work process;
  • greater clarity and efficiency when dealing with highly complex situations.

How to Put the Pomodoro Technique into Practice

It doesn’t take much to put the Technique into practice – just follow each step diligently and responsibly:

  • make a list of all the tasks for the day;
  • take note of the estimated duration of each task, considering how many pomodoros will be needed for its execution;
  • stipulate the order of execution of the tasks, you can start from the most urgent to the least important, or from the fastest to the longest;
  • at the end of each 25-minute cycle, record the tasks you finished during that period, if there are any tasks not yet completed, you can note the percentage of work done;
  • an interesting tip is to use the last two pomodoros of the day to review what you've already done – this is especially useful if you're studying.

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What are the main apps for the Pomodoro Technique?

If before we depended on kitchen alarms to perform the Pomodoro Technique, today, thanks to task management apps, the application of Cirillo's method is even easier. Below, we will present the best digital tools to help you adhere to this methodology in your work routine:

Tomato Timers

We start our list with the Tomato Timers. Totally free, this specific application for using the Pomodoro Technique has interesting features, such as countdown options and the configuration of short and long pauses.

Tomato Timer is ideal for using on your desktop or notebook, as it runs directly from a website – this way, you can leave it open in a tab, while you carry out your tasks, and the alarm will sound every time a cycle or pause time ends.


Second on our list is the Forest. It is a time management application available both for Android and iOS and through the browser itself, and which has an interesting differential: you can configure your cell phone block or certain websites, in order to avoid unwanted distractions. 

Although not specific to the Pomodoro Technique, it is perfect for this purpose due to its 25-minute timer and the fact that it avoids distractions.


For those who have difficulty concentrating, the Noisli it is an excellent choice. That's because it has the option to configure background sounds, which can be useful to help the user relax while performing tasks.

focus booster

If you need a resource with more complete functions, the focus booster may be the best option. Available for macOS and Windows, the tool has both the functionality of the Pomodoro Technique and a dashboard that provides graphs and reports to help the user manage their productivity.


O Knob deserves mention for integrating Cirillo's methodology with the Trello – which is especially interesting given the predilection of many for this tool.

Offering both a free and a paid version, this feature is available for Google Chrome, macOS, Windows and even Linux.


Another application that was not developed specifically for the Pomodoro Technique, but which proves to be perfectly applicable, is the Tide

Originally intended for meditation and relaxation, it has its own timer, with very pleasant ambient sounds – which favors the user to remain calm throughout the process.

cell phone clock

Last but not least, don't forget the basics. In the absence of a specific application, your cell phone's clock app can be used without any problems to apply the Pomodoro Technique. 

After all, all you need is to mark the time on a timer and keep an eye on the cycles and pauses that the method establishes, right? The important thing, after all, is not to deviate from your main objective.

As you can see, the Pomodoro Technique is one of the most direct, simple and effective methods when it comes to bypassing distractions and keeping your focus on work in a fluid and stress-free way. 

It is not for nothing that the popularity of the method is constantly growing in all kinds of professional environments.

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