Smart contracts: what they are, how to do them and what their advantages are

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In recent years, the emerging technologies have revolutionized our digital interactions, with emphasis on blockchains. This secure and transparent infrastructure, initially associated with Bitcoin, has expanded to various sectors, such as finance and governance. Within this context, the smart contracts emerge as a promising innovation, allowing the automated execution of digital agreements, without the need for intermediaries.

In this article, we will detail their concept, their creation, implementation and advantages, envisioning their potential to reshape the future of online business. Continue reading and discover how smart contracts are transforming digital transactions.

What are smart contracts?

Smart contracts, in essence, are programs executed automatically under pre-established conditions, without the need for intermediaries. Exactly as in a traditional contract, but now transposed to the digital world and endowed with autonomy for execution. 

These smart contracts are encoded with specific rules and conditions, and once all conditions are met, they are automatically activated and executed, so there is no need to trust any third party to verify or facilitate the transaction.

Here, trust is placed in the immutability and transparency of blockchain technology, which guarantees the integrity and security of transactions. This decentralized and automated approach to contracts offers a number of advantages over traditional methods, which we will explore in detail later.

How are smart contracts applied?

Smart contracts offer a wide range of practical applications across diverse sectors, from finance to governance and beyond. Let's check out some examples of how these smart contracts are being used in practice.

Decentralized Lending

In finance, smart contracts are common in platforms DeFi, allowing loans without banking intermediaries.

Smart contracts simplify processes by automating verifications, terms, fund distribution and interest charging in a transparent and immutable way. One example is the Aave protocol, which allows users to deposit cryptocurrencies as collateral and lend without financial intermediaries.

Token issuance and ICOs

Smart contracts are employed in the issuance of digital tokens and ICOs, allowing companies to create and distribute tokens in a programmable manner, establishing rules such as supply limits, conditional transfers and automatic dividend distribution.

Therefore, there is more transparency and security for investors. A notable example is Ethereum, which allows the creation of custom tokens using smart contracts.

Legal contracts and automated execution

In the area Legal, smart contracts are being employed in the automation and execution of a variety of legal agreements, including rental and property purchase and sale contracts.

A rental contract can be programmed into a smart contract, defining payment conditions and late penalties. When all conditions are met, such as monthly payment, the contract is automatically executed, eliminating litigation and intermediaries to enforce the terms.

The need for programming knowledge

Although smart contracts offer significant benefits in efficiency and automation, their implementation requires programming knowledge, especially when dealing with specific blockchain platforms. 

It is essential to have a basic understanding of programming languages, such as Solidity – a language designed based on standards from popular languages, such as JavaScript and C++, to write smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain.

However, it is important to be aware of the peculiarities and challenges of each language, especially in relation to security. Poorly written contracts can lead to financial losses or security breaches. 

The complexity of smart contracts varies according to the needs of the application, and it is essential to have a solid knowledge of programming and understanding of blockchain concepts for more complex contracts.

Step-by-step, how to create a smart contract

Creating a smart contract may seem like a complex task at first glance, but with the right resources and a basic understanding of the concepts involved, it is possible to simplify the process.

1. Definition of rules and functionalities

The first step is to clearly define the rules and functionalities of your smart contract. Identify the participants involved in the transaction, establish the conditions necessary for the execution of the contract, and determine the actions that the contract should automatically take when these conditions are met.

2. Choice of platform and programming language

Next, it is important to choose the blockchain platform on which you want to implement your smart contract. One of the most popular platforms is Ethereum. 

This step also involves choosing a suitable programming language to write your smart contract. In the case of Ethereum, the most commonly used language is Solidity.

3. Smart contract development

With the rules and functionalities defined and the platform and language chosen, you can start developing your smart contract. Write the smart contract code using your chosen programming language and ensure it meets the requirements and specifications established in the previous step.

4. Testing and auditing

Once the smart contract has been developed, it is essential to carry out rigorous testing to ensure that it works as expected and that there are no vulnerabilities or security holes. 

Many developers choose to subject their smart contracts to security audits carried out by specialized professionals to identify and fix any potential problems.

5. Implementation on the blockchain

After testing and audits are completed, the next step is to deploy the smart contract on the chosen blockchain. This involves sending the smart contract code to the blockchain, where it will be executed and recorded immutably. 

During this process, it is important to consider factors such as transaction fees and Gas, which can affect the cost and performance of contract implementation.

6. Interaction and use

Once the smart contract has been successfully deployed on the blockchain, participants can begin interacting with it according to the defined rules and functionalities. This step may involve carrying out transactions, executing automatic actions and any other activity provided for in the smart contract.

By following this simplified step-by-step guide, you will be able to successfully create and implement your own smart contract on a compatible blockchain platform. However, remember that this is just a basic guide and that creating more complex smart contracts may require a deeper understanding of the concepts and techniques involved.

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Main platforms for creating smart contracts

There are several blockchain platforms that support the creation and execution of smart contracts, each with its own peculiarities, advantages and areas of specialization. We have listed some of the main ones below.


O Ethereum is one of the best-known and widely used blockchain platforms for creating smart contracts. It uses the Solidity programming language to develop smart contracts, being highly flexible and enabling a wide range of decentralized applications (DApps) and custom tokens.

Its active community and mature ecosystem provide support and resources for developers. Despite facing scalability challenges and high transaction fees due to its proof-of-work (PoW) consensus model, the platform is in the process of transitioning to Ethereum 2.0, which will adopt proof-of-stake (PoS) to improve these aspects. .


O Cardano is a blockchain platform that stands out for its scientific approach and focus on security and scalability. It offers support for creating smart contracts through its specific programming language, Plutus.

Utilizing a layered architecture that aims to improve blockchain efficiency and governance, it features a proof-of-stake (PoS) approach and innovative consensus mechanisms, which promise lower transaction fees and a more sustainable network.

Although still in active development, Cardano has gained significant interest due to its high-level approach and focus on regulatory compliance.


Solana is a blockchain platform designed to offer high speed and low transaction costs. Its proof-of-history (PoH) consensus mechanism allows for fast transaction rates and horizontal scalability, and its interface proves to be very developer-friendly, offering a wide range of tools and documentation.

The platform supports the creation of smart contracts using the Rust programming language and other languages ​​compatible with WebAssembly (Wasm), having stood out as a viable alternative for high-performance and DeFi (decentralized finance) applications.

What are the advantages of smart contracts?

Smart contracts represent a revolution in the way we conduct online transactions, offering a series of advantages that go beyond traditional methods:


Smart contracts are immutable and automatically executed, which means that once implemented on the blockchain, they cannot be changed by any of the parties involved. This provides a high level of security and eliminates the possibility of fraud or data manipulation.


All transactions and conditions established in a smart contract are recorded transparently and immutably on the blockchain, making the process completely transparent and traceable for all parties involved. This promotes trust and accountability at every stage of the transaction.

Reduction of operating costs

By eliminating the need for intermediaries and simplifying processes, smart contracts help to significantly reduce operational costs associated with traditional transactions. This can result in substantial savings for businesses and individuals, especially in sectors such as finance and supply chain.

Process automation

Smart contracts are programmed to execute automatically once predefined conditions are met. This eliminates the need for human intervention and allows for the automation of a variety of processes, from recurring payments to the execution of complex contracts.

If you enjoyed learning all about smart contracts and how they are transforming the landscape of online transactions, be sure to share this article on your social networks!

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