What is process optimization, its importance and how to do it

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A process management of a company translates into a synonym of constant challenges for any leadership. After all, by processes, we can understand absolutely all the tasks present in the operational routine of an organization, so fundamental for the development of the business towards the established objectives. This makes it necessary to process optimization.

After all, in order to ensure levels of efficiency, productivity, organization and agility aligned with market competitiveness expectations, it is essential to adopt a management model focused on increasingly efficient processes.

This article was designed to help you understand the concept of process optimization and its steps, so that you can put it all into practice in your company. Good reading!

What is process optimization?

We can define optimization as a need for the management process translated into a set of techniques that, through a detailed mapping of the activities performed, favor the identification of potential failures, bottlenecks and performance drop factors, anticipating problems and applying improvements in real time.

It is, therefore, one of the most efficient strategies for eliminating unnecessary tasks and redundant work, since, with the optimization of routine work processes, work methods are improved to a more objective level and free of errors and waste.

Based on this understanding, the importance of adopting tools optimization of the company's internal processes. After all, optimized management is intrinsically connected to a well-established corporate culture and aligned with solid parameters of internal communication and time management.

The importance of process optimization in companies

By adopting optimized process management, you skip several redundant and unnecessary steps, which provides deeper knowledge about your own business.

This refined vision is vital for the management process to be conducted in such a way that the various sectors of the company remain integrated and present an objective operational efficiency. After all, when the company's demands and activities are perceived in a homogeneous way, all the professionals involved can perform their functions with unique clarity and accuracy.

And, since the optimization of processes allows this internal view of the enterprise on itself, it is natural that a series of improvements are revealed in the company's operational routine, such as, for example:

risk mitigation

Process optimization is heavily based on a system for standardizing activities, which, from a risk management point of view, represents a valuable tactical differential, capable of contributing enormously to reducing the chances of failures and bottlenecks.

Cost reduction

One of the main features of process optimization is the identification and obliteration of waste. Here, poorly applied resources are reused in more intelligent ways at a strategic level, favoring the company's savings and the assertiveness of tasks.

Downsizing of processes

With properly optimized processes, it becomes easy to identify the skills and measures necessary to carry out each proposed action, and to delegate functions according to the aptitude of each professional in relation to this or that specific task – not to mention that the elimination of unnecessary demands makes the processes a little leaner and more objective.

Ease of dealing with problems

The optimization and standardization of processes provides clarity on what happens inside and outside the company, which represents a strategic differential in terms of anticipating problems, decision-making and, ultimately, the implementation of corrective measures.

Improved results

Together, the factors mentioned above point to a natural evolution of the financial results framework. After all, an optimized performance is aligned with planning and productivity standards, which are the engines for achieving and exceeding objectives.

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The stages of process optimization

The logic of process optimization in a company is built on the concept of continuous improvement. The steps on which the optimization process is based, therefore, are cyclical in nature, so that each process will continuously reveal new points to be developed - which is interesting from the point of view of improving productivity, since the improvement processes can be applied jointly, aiming at the company's growth towards ever-increasing goals.

Conceptually, there are 6 stages of process optimization in a company, as we will see below.

1. Definition of objectives

First, it is necessary to understand that, even before any significant change is implemented, it is necessary that the intended objective is clearly defined by the management and understood by the rest of the team.

Strategically, this is the moment to decide between carrying out a complete review of all the processes developed in the company's work routine, or just adjusting small bottlenecks in a specific sector. 

Here, the complexity of the work carried out will be proportional to the needs of the business, as well as the impact of changes on its operations and results.

2. Mapping of current processes

Probably the most critical step in the implementation of a process optimization policy is to carry out the AS IS mapping.

AS IS is what we call all the work of surveying the annual activities of an organization and how they occur. From this end-to-end analysis, it becomes possible to understand the point at which the company is situated and which improvements are effectively needed.

Once the activities, inputs and outputs of the business have been identified, it is time to design the flow of these activities, something vital for understanding the nature of the work and for identifying the present flaws. Thus, it becomes easy to optimize processes and implement the necessary improvements.

At this stage, it is important to emphasize that more than identifying the problems and impacts present in the company's processes, it is of crucial importance to identify the root of each problem, as well as the necessary measures to eliminate it. 

In this sense, the active participation of each professional involved is essential, since they will have practical knowledge of everyday issues regarding the project.

3. Elimination of unproductive tasks

Once all the processes are already mapped, it will be easier to identify the steps that, instead of optimizing the processes, hinder the work. 

It is often possible to observe steps that made sense in a previous period, but that are now obsolete – mainly with regard to analog tasks, whose usefulness has been lost in the face of recent digital transformations; or to repetitive tasks, which could be simplified or eliminated in favor of leaner performance.

This is, therefore, the decisive moment to eliminate tasks whose high costs in time or money do not compensate for low productivity rates.

4. Reassessment of processes

Once the redundant and unproductive processes are removed, a complete review of the remaining processes needs to be carried out. Here, the objective is to understand that even indispensable processes can always be improved – therefore, a reflection on how these processes take place is so important. very important.

Assess whether these processes are being conducted correctly; if there is any measure to be taken in order to evolve a certain process; if there are any errors that may occur, even if sporadically – this is, therefore, the time to scrutinize in detail each operational aspect of your company, in order to produce greater positive impacts on your business results.

5. Implementation of tools

To ensure that approved processes are implemented without error, and on an ongoing basis, it is necessary to invest in automation.

Process automation aims to further facilitate the management of company processes and ensure that control of forms, deadlines and data collection are centralized, avoiding even more time and waste.

At this stage, it is necessary to reconsider how the company uses its main resources, such as materials, time and tools. It is also the moment to recognize the processes themselves as resources, since stale or obsolete procedures result in wasted labor.

The fifth step is essential for defining the proper tools, such as action plans, automation systems, improvements in the communication and integration process, and execution methods in general. Implementing the right practices and tools for your business offers fundamental strategic advantages for improving your company's productivity.

6. Continuous monitoring

As stated above, process optimization occurs cyclically – therefore, the sixth step is, in fact, an inherent part of all the others. 

Stay constantly vigilant about all the actions developed throughout the other stages, as new problems, needs and opportunities may arise when you least expect it – and it is necessary to be attentive to all these factors to keep the company in a continuous process of evolution and innovation.

And, since we are talking about innovation, how about checking out an exclusive article we produced on process innovation, with everything you need to know about how to manage your business towards differentiated results and a highly competitive positioning for your brand? Click here and happy reading!

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