Task organizer: discover the top 20 software and apps to organize your tasks

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As much as you are aware of all the actions involved in the management of your company, it is not possible to remember them all, even more so nowadays when we all seem to be increasingly busy. That is why, Having a task organizer is essential.

Can you imagine forgetting sign the contract with a customer or supplier? Are all your activities on schedule? How can you make everyone involved in your work aware of this importance?

A task organizer is able to answer these and other questions, so we decided to produce this article on the subject. Keep reading! 

    What is a task organizer?

    As its name says, it has the function of helping you to manage your routine tasks, especially work. After all, when we are working, we carry out many actions to execute plans and projects, which requires organizing all of them so that none is left out.

    For this, the organizers have specific tools. While they may vary depending on the software you choose, some are defaults. For example: a dashboard that allows you to see what activities must be done for the day, as well as being able to share them with the people who need to do them.

    Thus, organizers also become great facilitators to make you achieve the company's goals. Every goal is broken down into goals that you can turn into tasks within an organizer. As they are successfully completed, you will know that the end goal is getting closer.

    These programs usually have desktop and mobile versions so you can see the progress of work, regardless of whether you are in the office. Some are developed directly as apps for smartphones, precisely to give you the convenience of managing your tasks on the go. 

    As for signing up for these programs, some of them are paid, but they usually have free versions or trials for you to get to know them better.

    Why is using a task organizer important?

    “I don't even remember what I had for lunch today.

    Surely you've heard someone say that phrase or you've said it yourself during some very busy moment. If we are subject to not remembering such simple activities, how are we going to remember everything we need to do during a working day? The task organizer has the function of remembering everything that is important.

    What's more, portability also came in handy. As practically all of them have versions for the main smartphone operating systems, there are no more excuses to say that you forgot an appointment because the access to the agenda is done only by the notebook.

    The same goes for the people who work with you. Since sharing tasks with other people is one of the organizers' roles, they are also aware of what they must do, regardless of where they are.

    With that, you can finally put an end to that paper agenda that, in addition to not having the features mentioned above, still runs the risk of being lost, making you lose the record of all the tasks you need to do.

    What are the top 20 types of task organizer?

    Let's now see the list of nine organizers that we have separated for you to meet.

    1. Evernote

    This is one of the most popular solutions on the market when it comes to organizing tasks. Its main call is “capture everything”, because, in fact, when using the mobile version, you can insert into it everything you see ahead (images, files, texts, etc.) and create note banks in which all are properly organized.

    One feature that sets the Evernote of any notepad app is the ability to add dates and reminders so you don't forget to turn in an important task on time.

    Also, if you need to copy texts and images from the internet and insert into notes, that is also possible, as well as writing or drawing on them if necessary.

    2. HabitBull

    As the name says, the HabitBull has the proposal to make you track your own habits in order to improve them (e.g. being on time, making payments) or eliminating them from your daily life (such as procrastinating, using social media too much, etc).

    The application allows you to organize both your professional and personal tasks into the following categories: routine, creativity, health and pleasure. 

    For each of them it is possible to set goals and, later, follow their results in graphs in order to check if you are properly fulfilling your tasks.


    If gamification is an idea you find interesting, the Habitat It is an option that cannot go unnoticed. Its format is based on RPG games. 

    Thus, all your routine tasks are transformed into monsters that you need to defeat in combat. As they are defeated throughout the game, you earn points that unlock other functions and also minigames to challenge other monsters.

    In times of a pandemic, this is a very efficient app, as it helps not only organize tasks, but also take care of health and fitness.

    4. Microsoft One Note

    O OneNote is well known to anyone who uses Microsoft products. With it, you can divide tasks into notebooks that can be divided into sections and pages.

    You can put screenshots and audio comments in the notes. If you have other people involved in the tasks and you need them to be aware of everything you have written down, you can also share the notes with them.

    One of the highlights of this tool is the union of traditional and digital practices, as annotations can be made both digitally and handwritten.

    5.Microsoft To Do

    Formerly called Wunderlist, the Microsoft ToDo is still well known to some people. It is an application aimed precisely at organizing tasks at professional and personal levels.

    To begin, It has a daily planner that keeps all the tasks you need to do throughout the day up to date. These tasks can be broken down into steps, as well as having deadlines and reminders so that the people shared in them are aware of when to turn them in.

    Former Wunderlist users are also able to import the data there from an internal importer provided by Microsoft To Do.

    6. OmniFocus

    If you use or find interesting the methodology GTD (Get Things Done), OmniFocus is worth knowing.

    By creating an account on it, you can create plans to organize your tasks and actions and then categorize them by subject, deadline, location, etc..

    One of its highlights is making you have a total view of the tasks you need to perform, which makes it easier to manage your activities and the people who work with you, in addition to reducing the stress caused by the feeling that there is more to do. and don't know where to start.

    O OmniFocus It's a paid tool, but you can try it for free for 14 days.

    7. Optimized

    O Optimized is an application designed to help its users achieve their goals.

    It requires a greater commitment in relation to other tools, as it requires you to enter into it all the actions you carry out throughout the day, both for work and leisure. So he gets show your performance through graphs to determine what goals and objectives you must achieve.

    For now, Optimized is only available on the Apple Store and allows integration with other routine apps like Apple Health.

    8 Todoist

    O T brings the proposal of calm and control in managing day-to-day tasks. In it, you can add the tasks you need to do and prioritize the most important ones by highlighting them in the tool.

    This is important, because by delegating work to other people, they come to know what they should do first. To know how they are performing within the projects, Todoist brings a progress and productivity tool.

    Despite being a premium app, it has a free version that includes all the features we mentioned above.

    9. Trello

    One of the best-known task organizers on the market, widely used by those who like the methodology kanban

    Task management in Trello is made from frames that allow the insertion of customizable lists and cards. Therefore, within each card you can include the necessary tasks and involve the people who will participate in their execution.

    A good Trello organization practice is to create four boards on your dashboard: planning, tasks to do, tasks in progress, and tasks completed. That way, you start your day knowing how work is going when you open the tool.

    Now that you know which are the most used types of task organizer on the market and their characteristics, you can choose the most suitable for your company.

    10 Basecamp

    Basecamp stands out for its effectiveness in managing teams, reducing communication gaps caused by the multitude of channels such as WhatsApp and email. Ideal for the professional environment, Basecamp makes work less arduous.

    It offers a platform where you can discuss ideas, plan marketing campaigns and share files. Available for both computers and Android, it is a tool widely used by more than 4 thousand companies globally, consolidating itself as a robust option for efficient collaboration and communication.

    11 Any.do

    A is an organizer that meets both personal and professional needs. It's a flexible planner, useful for managing tasks, reminders, calendar events, and even shopping lists.

    Compatible with Android and iOS, it allows collaborative work, making it easier to share routines with coworkers and family. Integration with popular applications, such as Google Calendar, WhatsApp, and Slack, makes it a multifunctional tool, essential for those looking for efficiency in managing daily activities.

    12. asana

    Asana is designed to improve team organization by offering features such as adding tasks, monitoring projects, and facilitating communication between team members. Available for Android and iOS, it allows you to manage activities even offline.

    With an intuitive interface, Asana supports up to 15 people in the free version, making it a popular choice for teams looking for a powerful and simple tool for managing projects and tasks.


    Forest is an innovative application that combines task management with playful elements. Its gamified timer helps maintain focus by distancing the user from the cell phone.

    When starting a task, the user plants a virtual seed that grows into a tree, as long as they do not leave the application. Available for Android and iOS, Forest has been awarded several times and is perfect for those looking for a fun and effective approach to maintaining concentration at work.

    14. Google Keep

    Google Keep is a practical and straightforward solution from Google for organizing notes and reminders. Functioning as an advanced notepad, it allows you to quickly store insights, record voice notes and transcribe them, and capture images of documents.

    Its colorful, real-time shareable notes make Keep a versatile tool for personal organization and collaboration. Available on multiple platforms, it is ideal for those who prefer a simple and efficient interface.

    15. OneNote

    OneNote, from Microsoft, provides a flexible space for typing, handwriting, drawing, and clipping web content. With the possibility of organizing ideas and tasks into pages and thematic sections, it is a comprehensive option for those looking to integrate notes from work, studies and personal life.

    The functionality to scan documents and integration with other Microsoft tools, such as Excel and Word, expand its usage possibilities, making it a robust choice for Android, iOS and computer users.

    16. Pocket

    Pocket is an amazing tool for saving content for offline reading. Ideal for those with tight schedules, it allows you to store articles, videos and audios to access them at any time.

    Its read-aloud functionality is perfect for those on the go, freeing up hands and eyes. Available for Android and iOS, Pocket is an excellent choice for those looking to always be informed, even in the midst of their busy routine.

    17 Zoho Vault

    ZohoVault is the ideal solution for those looking for security in managing passwords and sensitive information. With AES 256 encryption, the application stores passwords, bank details and notes securely.

    In addition to storing, Zoho Vault can generate strong passwords and share confidential information securely. Available for Android, iOS and the web, it is an indispensable tool for digital security when managing personal and professional data.

    18. Slack

    O Slack stands out as an essential tool for optimizing communication and collaboration in teams. It allows you to create specific channels for different work groups, ensuring that all relevant information is shared in the right place.

    In addition to its core messaging functionality, it offers valuable integrations like Google Drive and Google Calendar, increasing its usefulness. Despite some limitations in the free version, such as the inability to work simultaneously on different accounts, Slack is a powerful choice for those looking to centralize communication and ensure efficient teamwork.

    19. Notation

    Notion is a versatile platform that meets a variety of organization needs, from daily tasks to long-term projects. With features such as checklists, tables and synchronized pages, it offers the flexibility to create personalized management systems.

    Notion's strength lies in its automatic syncing between different devices and the effectiveness of its free plan. Despite some challenges with the application's performance on cell phones and synchronization issues, Notion establishes itself as a robust and adaptable tool for organizing and managing tasks efficiently.


    Monday is an ideal task organizer for teamwork, offering an interface that can be adapted for various activities, such as marketing, sales CRM and project management.

    Its strength lies in its ability to organize tasks according to responsible parties, deadlines and subtasks, providing a clear view of the progress of each project. Although more detailed customizations are restricted to more expensive plans, Monday stands out for its flexibility and ease of use, making it a valuable option for teams looking for an effective and customizable task management tool.

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    The perks of a task organizer are too good to ignore

    The implementation of software management in any company requires a period of adaptation and development, after all, this system must be tested and learned to better meet the needs of your team and company. 

    But what if the manager has a real and direct impact on your company's productivity, organization and eventual growth, by gathering information in a central location and helping your employees to be more productive and efficient?

    Here are 6 benefits of using this task organizer so you can communicate to your team why your company chose to do this. Check out:

    Activity is shared and teamwork is optimized

    Um task organizer it is a collaborative tool and, as such, facilitates teamwork. Discussing ideas in a brainstorming meeting and feeding that data to the software will increase the level of interaction in your workgroup. 

    Centralizing activities and information in one place makes it easier to take advantage of the set of knowledge. At the same time, the manager must encourage his employees to interact more with the tool as they keep up with the productivity of their colleagues.

    Features that make task tracking and prioritization easier 

    We all know that there are many jobs with a high degree of urgency. They require immediate attention. Often, we also deal with tasks that have no consequences if done a little later. 

    Understanding which obligations are more important than others may seem simple, but it's easy to get lost in the process when you have so much work to do. How task organizer, it will be possible to prioritize the most important demands to execute them quickly and efficiently, without forgetting the others.

    Centralized activities and simplified visualization

    Keep everything important in one place with detailed tasks and hands-on workflow visualization coupled with a traceable workflow. 

    In general, these tools have structures such as mind maps or a model Kanban that help make complex data more manageable and easier to understand, adapt and scale across the organization.

    Track time spent on tasks and estimate team productivity

    The customizable and adaptable nature of a task organizer boosts workflow by tracking every minute spent by each employee on every task. 

    This eliminates fragmented data in outdated spreadsheets and makes it possible to understand which assignments take longer than anticipated, making it easier to plan your next project. It is also a good way to estimate the productivity of those involved in the demand, which will make it possible to consider reassigning duties in search of maximum productivity.

    Save time with dynamic, real-time follow-ups

    When you assign new tasks to your team, it is important to management efficient way to monitor progress and ensure uneventful performance, as well as meeting deadlines. 

    With the efficiency of a task organizer, it will be possible to monitor, in real time, the progress of each demand and even create reminders to solve missed deadlines. In addition, the database of this tool can be accessed from anywhere.

    Say goodbye to geographic barriers and enjoy digital reality

    A good task Manager, as the examples pointed out in this article, can be deployed across borders and really save high-value projects. Easy to use, software suitable for your business excludes geographic factors such as unforeseen team or time zone, for example. 

    Need to update or tweak something, but the task assignee is unavailable for some reason? Add a new member to the task. You will be able to update and make the indicated changes without having to wait a day or two for a teammate to return to the office.

    Why should companies include the task organizer in the management of a company?

    Ever faced the problem of inefficient execution or failure of tasks, resulting in double work and missed deadlines? Small changes can have unpleasant consequences, but inefficient task tracking coupled with poor digital documents can lead to big losses.

    Running a business in today's dynamic economy can be quite a challenge without a proper task management system to schedule tasks, track your goals and maintain a considerable profit margin.

    Consider, for example, that this system allows the entire workgroup to be updated simultaneously on daily tasks. These checklists are securely stored so they can be accessed when needed. 

    In contrast, a paper-based system means you can't update your employees on urgent tasks, especially if they work in the field.

    In addition, manual management makes it impossible to track productivity and efficiency, as well as identify ways to streamline your tasks. To make matters worse, there is always the risk of losing valuable information, more so than when your company relies on a cloud backup.

    More evidence that the task organizer is more efficient (and profitable) than manual management

    Here are the main signs of effectiveness of task organizers: 

    • cost reduction with paper and other time-consuming processes;
    • productivity grows as the team does not spend time searching for records in archives;
    • urgent tasks are now tracked;
    • it is possible to create reminders for meeting deadlines;
    • a manager is adaptable to the workflow configuration required by your business;
    • with an appropriate management system, resources can be allocated more efficiently, leading to greater efficiency.
    • scalable systems, which means that as you grow, your system also grows, making it unnecessary to invest in a new tool for the same function;
    • when the entire team is on one platform, all communications disruptions can be handled efficiently. Non-fragmented communication allows information to flow cohesively;
    • you can create to-do lists, add comments and more.

    Tips on how to use this tool to be more effective and increase your income

    The aproach Intelligence of project management suggests that for an activity to be considered successful, it must be managed efficiently, effectively and strategically. 

    In this sense, efficiency is related to the operational management of a project, which, in turn, results in the fulfillment of the schedule, budget and specifications. Effectiveness, on the other hand, is linked to meeting business goals and objectives and customer satisfaction.

    Thus, effective project management requires aligning with the environment, adjusting tasks and responsibilities, and managing purposeful changes throughout the project lifecycle. In addition to the efficient management of a project, which ensures that it is carried out as planned, the effective management of a project must guarantee the generation of value for the customer and users. 

    See below what you need to do for your company to benefit from it.

    Break a large task into smaller pieces and determine the priority of each activity

    Starting with a big and complex task can paralyze your work team. To encourage them, try to divide large tasks into small ones. That way, you'll see the effect of that incredible sense of accomplishment we all feel when moving a card to "finished." 

    Remember to set the priority of these functions. You can base yourself, for example, on what is urgently needed, what can wait and what must be done on a daily basis.

    Set deadlines for tasks and measure progress

    Putting time limits on different tasks can help you schedule more efficiently; you'll know how much time to allocate to each task to have all your work organized by the end of the workday. 

    During breaks, make it a habit to review all scheduled tasks to see if any changes are needed. Consequently, delegate tasks to your subordinates and focus on the functions that matter most.

    Be flexible but centralize information in the task organizer

    Maintaining your positioning can be an advantage, but there are times when you need to be flexible to achieve goals and meet deadlines. Changes in market trends or customer positioning are just two hypotheses that may require a review of decisions already taken, and knowing how to be flexible can be key to keeping track of activities and deadlines.

    On the other hand, don't alternate using the manager between emails and other alternatives: use your task management tool for everything, even making it the only place your team can check what needs to be done. This prevents information loss and misunderstandings.

    Provide detailed instructions and be patient

    Provide clear and detailed instructions for your tasks and their respective steps, so that each team member always knows what needs to be done and by whom. This avoids wasting time redoing activities and asking questions that could have already been answered. 

    Finally, sometimes things don't go as planned. With patience, you will have the clarity to help your team recover faster.

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