Learn the real importance of process management in companies

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Undoubtedly, to recognize the importance of processes management in companies, a good command of techniques for managing the activities and routines of a company is a fundamental factor for it to stand out in the market, adding value to the product or service provided by the organization.

Define well the workflows and carry out a good follow-up of the executions of the tasks it is the key for a business to achieve the best and most expressive results in a competitive market and a demanding public. 

New perspectives can be visualized from a culture of innovation in business stimulated by competent process management that promotes a clearer understanding of the company's objectives, activities and routines.

Read on!

    What is process management

    First, it is necessary to understand that each and every company, regardless of its size, branch, time of existence or positioning in the market, can be defined as a set of processes. 

    All the practices involved in the routine of a business - whether they refer to finances, inputs, human resources, marketing, provision of services or any other sector – are considered processes.

    Therefore, we can define process management as an activity management methodology that is based on a vision of the company as a large integrated system.

    Process management best practices align each workflow with the strategic business goals, linking its various sectors and working on the relationship between them. 

    In order to organize the company's processes in order to optimize its operation, solid management does not hesitate to carry out interventions that promote radical transformations in the company, aiming to obtain satisfactory results and continuous improvements.

    The positive effects of this type of management methodology, as well as its importance, lie in optimizing the workflow and increasing productivity, customer service and efficiency of activities, as well as in the reduction of costs and slips. 

    Also noteworthy is the systematization of actions, demands, investments and other processes. Finally, one cannot fail to observe a significant increase in the quality of the results, both in terms of outputs and the perception of value by the public.

    What is the importance of process management in companies?

    The importance of process management in companies brings good business practices in the face of highly competitive markets. By organizing the processes, it becomes possible to identify opportunities for improvement, in addition to increasing productivity, quality of work and solving vulnerabilities.

    Given this scenario, it is extremely necessary for companies to adopt consistent models of process management. 

    By focusing on what really matters, implementing solid strategies and promoting fluid and objective communication, all sectors of the company are better integrated, time and work are optimized and innovative approaches become possible. 

    Below, we list the main advantages and improvements observed in companies that adopt good process management practices.

    1) Optimization of results

    A solid management is always in tune with its organizational processes and favors the forecast of demands and constant changes in the market. 

    In this way, it is possible for the company to prepare itself properly to deal with setbacks and adapt to the new needs presented, ensuring business continuity, generating productivity and optimizing the results achieved.

    2) Improvement of internal flows

    approach the works by processes it is also concerned with those responsible for the good results obtained. By focusing on the development of each process, the entire operational part of the business gains in productivity and efficiency. 

    The different sectors of the company are integrated and the pace of work becomes more fluent, as interpersonal relationships within the organization develop and everyone involved increases their participation and becomes more satisfied and productive.

    3) More quality in products and services

    By setting standards for carrying out the tasks and for the use of resources, the company invariably presents quality improvements, both in the services provided and in the products offered. 

    Affirmative changes in an organization's routine tend to improve staff engagement levels, and, consequently, customer expectations are better met.

    4) Time optimization

    Good process management not only allows each team member to work in a more focused and objective way, but also automates various operational flows. 

    Therefore, there is a significant reduction, or even elimination, of the amount of rework, and the time is better used. Relevant information is produced more quickly and, therefore, priorities and goals are defined – and, consequently, achieved – more quickly.

    5) New technologies

    The most efficient process management practices facilitate the insertion of technologies and the systematization of the company's procedures. 

    Technological solutions such as task organizers and ERPs are essential in the sense of accelerating the entire operational aspect of the enterprise and optimizing internal flows.

    6) Cost reduction

    A well-defined and controlled financial planning is a key feature of truly competent process management. 

    By strictly monitoring the amounts invested by the company, the manager ensures that the organization's financial resources are better used, balancing finances, reducing waste and enhancing profits.

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    Applying good process management in your company

    Although the management models for each company vary according to the particularities of each one, there are certain practices that are common to all. 

    It is based on them that you must act to promote the most efficient management possible in your company, getting to know your processes and the value they add better, aligning them with your strategies and optimizing your workflows.

    Having said that, it is necessary to emphasize that a really effective process management requires, first, an accurate mapping of the company's activities. 

    The entire flow of processes and their steps must be carefully studied in order to avoid excessive bureaucratic procedures, cover strategic flaws and make the necessary improvements. 

    It is necessary to understand the current processes of the organization, how they are structured, who participates in each of them and so on. 

    Talking about process management is also talking about people management: it is important to talk to the executors of each process, taking into account the fact that the know-how in execution comes from them, and not from the administration. 

    It is extremely crucial that the manager seeks to understand the various specific contexts faced by the execution team. Likewise, it is also necessary to evaluate the responsibilities and performance of each of these professionals and, if necessary, carry out some role changes.

    Another very factor very important for the optimization of all the processes pertinent to the activity of a company, and sometimes neglected by many of them, is the adaptability of the business. 

    It is not enough just to map the processes of your enterprise and draw up strategic plans – at some point, some activities will stop or work redundantly, or there will be some other type of unforeseen event – ​​and these unforeseen events can generate a negative perception of your product or service by customers.

    Therefore, be aware of all dynamics, whether internal or external, and ready to implement any changes that are necessary to optimize the company's work routine and improve the perception of added value - always starting from a full understanding of the trajectory of the processes. , from conception to completion.

    Still in this sense, it is important to keep in mind that each of the tasks to be performed needs to be carefully defined, step by step, so that, if necessary, anyone will be able to understand and execute it. 

    This is very valuable when, for example, a certain professional leaves the company and needs to be replaced in his/her duties. It is important that managers ensure that the continuity of that work does not become a problem.

    Naturally, another vitally important factor is to never neglect costs: financial planning is important, and strict control and monitoring of this entire process is essential. 

    Qualified professionals and adequate tools for gestão financeira are essential for the safety of operations. Remember that the entire business strategy is based on accounting, commercial and managerial data.

    Finally, don't forget that, even after everything is mapped, established, executed, modified and adapted, there needs to be constant monitoring of the processes. 

    Performance indicators are powerful tools at this stage of process management, aimed at observing the progress of the company's flows. 

    The manager's attention must always be focused on quality control that takes into account market dynamics, customers' perception of their products and services and the progress of internal routines, in order to anticipate possible setbacks even before they occur.

    The importance of process management in companies, as you can see, is vital. It is through this practice that tasks become more organized and processes become, at the same time, more agile and more efficient. 

    The production is standardized, the knowledge is multiplied, and both the product and the service gain in quality. Knowing well what we do, how we do it and why we do it is the key for us to improve our performance and our results in such a competitive market.

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