Know what marketing management is and how to do it in your company

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Every company that wants to take care of its brand, attract more consumers and generate sales needs to have a Marketing. It is critical to finding the right strategies that will lead companies to the desired results in this area.

The manager, in turn, is a key part of the Marketing routine, making important decisions and guiding the work of the entire team. To develop, companies need to be in touch with their target audience. More than ever, the relationship is key to generating engagement and conversions.

In addition, finding good outreach opportunities helps to elevate the company's status. These and other strategies include decisions and guidelines regarding Marketing management.

In this post, you better understand what this work is and what results it can bring. The content will cover the following topics:

    Continue reading and find out more!

    What is Marketing Management?

    Marketing management is the work of definition of strategies, identification of opportunities and direction of actions to strengthen and promote brands and companies. For this to be possible, this activity must also take care of the processes, albeit smaller, of the sector's routine.

    Creation and management of workflows, approval and idealization of campaigns and market research are some of the demands of management. In addition, working with the Marketing team in the development of campaigns and other routines is essential.

    In general, management takes care of all activities developed in Marketing, but with a managerial perspective. Everything goes through the management, which is the one who makes the decisions, that is, someone who concentrates more advanced skills and vast experience.

    Targeting according to brands

    Brands have different audiences, which give rise to people unique. This is the starting point for define actions that will actually communicate effectively with these consumers.

    Otherwise, it is practically impossible to have strategies that bring results. It is for these reasons that Marketing management is essential, directing brands to adapt to the persona.

    Identification of trends

    Marketing management needs to be, above all, a sector that works with data and intelligence. This will make it possible to identify strategies, actions and contents that have achieved good numbers in front of the most different audiences.

    Therefore, the manager's role is to remain attentive, working actively to spot trends and opportunities that work well for the branda.

    Definition of strategies to achieve goals

    Decision making is one of the most important parts of marketing management. Deciding where investments and efforts will be directed is not easy. Therefore, this is a job that should be in charge of experienced and qualified people.

    The decisions are left to the manager, who always does so based on reports, data and secure information about the company, market and public.

    What are the benefits of Marketing Management?

    Marketing management provides fundamental benefits, both from an operational point of view and in terms of results. Having an area dedicated to directing the work team and analyzing results facilitates the work of those who only need to execute. Next, understand these benefits in more detail!

    Much more effective campaigns and strategies

    One of the most important roles of marketing management is to identify the best ways to conduct campaigns and achieve results. To make this possible, there are many resources available, such as personas definition, market analysis, stock results data, among others. That is why, it is necessary to combine expertise with information.

    The Marketing management work must be continuous, and this is the great differential of companies and agencies who manage to keep the customer service in long term. Even for brands that already have the most effective audiences and strategies known, it's important to gather new information all the time. Currently, the consumer is more dynamic, as well as their preferences and habits.

    Focus on accurate results for brands

    Marketing management focuses on ensuring that everything works properly in the industry. Therefore, from processes and routines to the choice of actions and campaigns, every detail receives a lot of attention.

    Consequently, with such an active dedication, the tendency is for the results to be optimized. This becomes a common and recurring practice, generating constant benefits.

    Marketing has to do with relationships, precise actions in reach and also dissemination. Amid these and other pillars, the focus needs to be on results.

    Management work directs efforts to drive conversions, engagement and sales. Thus, from the moment these results are detected, it is easy to understand that the management is qualified and well-founded.

    Correct targeting when capturing and reaching

    Audience segmentation is a fundamental part of Marketing, being one of the pillars of this work. So if brands don't communicate with the right people in the most appropriate way, there's no result. Knowing this, management works to identify the public, study it and, from there, generate data to base the creation of detailed and highly qualified personas.

    This profile of the average consumer of the brand is important both in the attraction work, in the Inbound, as well as in active actions, in which the brand goes to the consumer. Even knowing more about this persona helps you understand which of the two approaches works best.

    How to put this work into practice?

    Marketing management needs to work well, always based on some necessary practices and obligations. Check, below, what are the important pillars of this action and how it should be put into practice to generate the desired results.

    Create important processes and workflows

    Good results don't just depend on good market strategies and incredible insights from great marketing minds. Day-to-day operational work is also critical.

    To work well, employees need to be included in flows and well-organized processes. This helps create the perfect environment for employees to reach their full potential.

    Therefore, management must be concerned with the flows of tasks within the Marketing team, from the creation of a briefing to the delivery of a work. Creating patterns helps to keep the routine fast and, above all, with a lower incidence of errors.

    Provide essential work tools

    Regardless if we're talking about Digital marketing or offline, the current moment requires work tools such as software. They help both to create and monitor campaigns and to develop a communication environment for the Marketing team.

    The idea is to enable a daily work focused on results, dynamism and reduced margin of error. These tools can be:

    It is up to Marketing management to detail processes and tasks and, based on that, select the tools that will fulfill these needs. The sector also needs to provide for the implementation of software, while offering training to employees.

    Manage brands and customers

    Brands and customers need full attention from the management team. If we are talking about an agency, each client and its respective brand must receive specific attention.

    This means details of all objectives, potential reach, audience details, among other information. It is from this that the most effective strategies will be proposed.

    Companies that have their internal Marketing team also need to act in this way. Therefore, management must devote time to monitoring the market, how the brand is inserted in it and possible structural changes in the business. This is essential to continue capturing opportunities and keeping actions aligned with the company's real needs.

    How to measure the results of Marketing management?

    Marketing management work is directly linked to the results achieved. After all, the objective of this area is precisely to define strategies and actions that will generate positive returns. Therefore, measurement is an important part of detecting whether management is working in the right way.

    Definition of strategic KPIs

    Marketing management must define the strategic KPIs that will certify whether the defined actions and campaigns are working. These indicators will allow a frequent and continuous monitoring of the results of all work dedicated to companies. Therefore, the more precise the choice of KPIs, the easier it is to measure the effectiveness of the management work.

    Managers should also be aware of possible lower-than-expected results. From this, it is important to detect if something was not done correctly during the process. At times, problems in the workflow have hindered the good results.

    There is always the possibility that the reason for any poor results is poor management. Self-criticism is also part of the job and, if done correctly, is capable of generating optimization. The focus should be on business results and therefore any necessary adjustment must be made.

    Marketing management is a fundamental part of a good job. After all, professionals need strategic direction and organization in order to achieve great results. In parallel, experienced names in the market know how to direct campaigns and precise actions.

    Good management must also know how to deal with possible bottlenecks in Marketing. Learn more about this subject, right now!

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