Discover 11 examples of knowledge management applied in companies

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When we think of examples of knowledge management applied in companies, this brings us to a great challenge of constant innovation, so that products and services fully correspond to customer needs – even if such needs are not always explicit. 

To this end, it is increasingly necessary that the information and knowledge relating to these organizations be well managed.

It does not matter if we are talking about a large multinational or a small business, it is a constant fact that offering good and innovative solutions that differentiate your business from the competition is important.

But it is useless if the company does not have a robust structure that guarantees the sustainability of these good ideas in the medium and long term. Therefore, management meets this need. Therefore, we dedicate this post to the main examples of knowledge management applied in companies.

    What is knowledge management in companies

    We can define the idea of ​​knowledge management as a set of practices for the maintenance of a company's cognitive assets

    These assets are nothing more than the projects, techniques and methodologies applied throughout the development of your organization's products and services, according to the demands presented by the consumer.

    Knowledge management practices, through a multidisciplinary organizational approach, work in order to convert data into information, and information into knowledge.

    What is data, information and knowledge? 

    Therefore, to understand what knowledge management is all about, it is also necessary to understand the difference between what is given, what is information and what is knowledge.

    Data are discrete and objective concepts that, once analyzed and processed, produce information. Linear and continuous, these provide purposes and meanings relevant to the organization. 

    Derived from information, knowledge is structural, multidimensional and potentially expandable. He observes and understands the importance of what is communicated by the information in order to produce meaningful conclusions and solutions.

    More than just talking about ideas, inventions and innovations, knowledge management understands that the entire process behind it all is equally valuable. Until these solutions are reached, there is interaction between the human being and the information that allowed the contextualization and understanding of the market necessary to achieve results. 

    This is how the knowledge that needs to be preserved, protected and propagated throughout the company's history is formed.

    The importance of knowledge management applied in companies

    The impact of effective knowledge management on a company's results is invariably significant, especially with regard to productivity, and therefore, in the generation of business value.

    Once the minds that generate knowledge are well connected to the people responsible for the strategic application of that same knowledge, work flows more easily, fluidly and safely.

    Knowledge management systems, when properly applied, increase internal performance, reducing rework, increasing transparency and streamlining processes.

    A clear example, known to all, of the importance of knowledge management is the famous attack on the World Trade Center's Twin Towers, in September 11, 2011. 

    Inquiries after the attack point out that al-Qaida's terrorist action could have been easily thwarted if the intelligence (CIA) and investigations (FBI) departments had a well-integrated information exchange system.

    On the other hand, some good examples of affirmative knowledge management include organizations such as General Electric, Amazon, the World Bank and the UN itself.

    It is worth saying that, as always, technology is fundamental for good knowledge management, but the human factor is essential for intelligent and efficient structuring. RESERCH of knowledge.

    The four stages of knowledge management applied in companies

    To implement knowledge management in companies, it is necessary to keep an eye on four main stages.


    In this first step, an initial survey of the situation in which the company finds itself is carried out. It is time to identify as much data as possible about the people involved:

    • who they are, how they are, what they need, how they relate to each other, how they organize themselves; 
    • main company processes (what they are, how they occur, how they connect, where they diverge); 
    • the company's content (evaluating existing knowledge, what is necessary to promote its development and preservation); 
    • its organizational culture (on which it is based, knowledge sharing and a simple communication structure are favored); 
    • the company's relationship with technology (storage of formal knowledge, as well as maintenance and operation of systems).


    Once the aforementioned points have gone through a rigorous evaluation process, the time has come to define the strategic planning results for the application of knowledge management. 

    The objectives and actions necessary for their fulfillment are elaborated, as well as those responsible for each activity are delegated with a view to perfect alignment with the information collected previously.

    Pilot project

    It's time to test the effectiveness of everything that has been defined so far, in addition to gathering more relevant information about the details relevant to the project. At this point, it becomes clear which elements of the strategy apply and which need to be reassessed.


    Finally, we come to the fourth and final step. It is in this phase that the result indicators are defined and the monitoring system is established, in order to evaluate the success of the project.

    This is also when internal communication and rewards plans are put in place in order to keep the team well-aligned and engaged. in addition to the constant dissemination of the intermediate results achieved, serving both purposes simultaneously.

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    11 examples of knowledge management applied in companies

    In addition to these four steps, there are some common knowledge management practices that you need to know about. We have prepared, below, a list of 11 examples of knowledge management applied in the most prominent companies in the market.

    1. Identification of influencers

    In addition to knowledge generators, it is also necessary to keep an eye on the informal flows of knowledge propagation – after all, there is a path to be observed between the source and the applicator agent.

    2. Use of technology

    A system capable of storing all data referring to the company's actions in an integrated manner, and that also makes information available in an easy, accessible and transparent way, is of vital importance for conducting excellent knowledge management.

    3. System Monitoring

    It is necessary to always be attentive to all knowledge propagation flows within the company's environment. Continually observe related processes, evaluate performance and apply necessary corrections.

    4. Document Management

    It is extremely essential for the full development of activities that formal knowledge is organized and accessible to all who need it.

    5. Encouraging participation

    As a rule, people tend to feel more involved in something that they feel they play an important part in. Encouraging the participation of all those involved is key to promoting engagement and a collective sense of zeal for the project.

    6. Exchange of experiences

    The transmission of certain more specific knowledge calls for more elaborate tactics. Offering training and mentoring programs can be very helpful in these cases.

    7. Formation of communities

    Creating friendly spaces, both virtual and physical, within the company is an essential mechanism for strengthening relationships, generating knowledge and exchanging experiences between people from different sectors.

    8. Creation of communication channels

    Considering that each department of the company has its own particularities, it is very valid to create channels for the purpose of discussing matters of general interest, as well as specific channels for certain groups. 

    That way, if a problem arises that a team member has already encountered, the solution will come more quickly and easily.

    9. Team training

    Objectively speaking, few initiatives promote knowledge as effectively as investing resources in training. Do not hesitate to promote training, courses and workshops whenever possible.

    10. Understanding the rhythm

    It is necessary to understand the company as a living organism. Every process of great complexity and importance must be implemented according to the pace of absorption and processing of information by team members, and knowledge management cannot be different. 

    This strategic practice must be applied very carefully, so that the work does not stagnate or precipitate in your company's operations.

    11. Incentive to innovation

    The company that does not have a spirit of innovation is doomed to obsolescence. To maintain competitive potential in the face of competition, it is important to establish an internal policy that does not discourage team members from taking certain risks, as mistakes can be made and managed responsibly.

    By following all these tips, you will certainly be on the right path to implementing excellent knowledge management in your business. 

    And, if you liked this article and want more tips to run a successful management in your company, we recommend this content that we have prepared about!

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