Learn how to organize work tasks in 14 practical tips

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These days, all the activities we do in terms of work require that they be done yesterday. So you don't get lost among them, it is highly recommended to use a task organizer. But since the tool is not enough, you also need to know how to organize work tasks.

By doing this, you manage to conduct your management well and, consequently, increase business results. To find out more, continue reading!

Check out 14 tips on how to organize work tasks

We have gathered here the main tips to make the execution of your tasks well organized. Shall we meet them? 

1) Plan the day in advance

When you start your day at work, do you know precisely what you have to do? If the answer is “no” or “more or less”, start putting this first tip into practice now.

Before you end your day, start preparing everything you must do in the following, which usually includes tasks such as:

  • what activities should be done;
  • what are the start and end times of each one of them;
  • make sure that all necessary members are involved in them;
  • check that there are no issues that must be resolved by the next day.

2) Work with real expectations

Was your “I” of today able to accomplish all the tasks that your “I” of yesterday scheduled? If the answer is “no” and if this happens frequently, it means that your “self” of today will hardly do what your “self” of tomorrow is programming.

Therefore, when listing your daily, weekly or monthly tasks, consider the actual time it takes to execute them and set limits regarding your capacity and times in your schedule.

It is common for some managers to want to embrace more than their arms can handle, but this means that you cannot do everything you commit to, which breaks your expectations and those of the people who expect to receive your work.

3) Do one task at a time

These days give us the impression that time passes faster and, as a consequence, we perform many tasks at the same time so that they are ready within deadlines.

However, in practice, when you do 10 things at the same time, you end up doing 1/10 of each in terms of quality, in addition to generating little understanding about the tasks you did yourself, delays and stress.

Thus, try to focus on one task at a time to give her all the attention she needs.

4) Group related work topics 

Another tip that can increase your productivity is to group related subjects so that you can work on them on the same day.

If you need to work on points related to hiring, for example, take a day or more to fully dedicate yourself to this. The same goes for operations, finance, marketing, Among others.

This makes you stay focused on tasks that are related and conditions you to perform them very well.

If you feel tired after spending a long time working on the same topic, take a break to rest your head. Techniques like Pomodoro are very efficient in this regard.

5) Make use of technology

In order for your tasks to be well organized, it is essential to use technological tools within your management.

By hiring the most appropriate solutions, you will be able to optimize and streamline all your processes. Shall we see an example?

The manual signing of documents involves a slow flow because it requires the physical presence of the signatories or fees and time for sending these files when the parties are in another city or country.

On the other hand, by adopting a electronic signature - such as ZapSign – you simplify all these processes at the touch of a button.

6) Create meeting agendas 

Have you ever been in a meeting where the members didn't know precisely how to run it? This type of situation happens when guidelines are not made in advance.

The purpose of the agenda is to list the most important points to be discussed during the meeting. It is also important that she has a leader who pays attention to time to make sure that all matters are dealt with until the end.

Remember to send agenda topics to all guests ahead of time so they can prepare as well. 

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7) Delegate tasks

Delegating tasks is also an important tip, as this not only eases your burdens but also validates employees who come to know the confidence you have in their work.

This means that delegating tasks is a motivator for your entire team, especially for those who want to grow professionally by taking on greater responsibilities.

When delegating, take into account each member's roles and talents to make sure they can perform their assigned tasks well.

8) Avoid distractions

a survey revealed that Brazilians spend, on average, 3 hours and 31 minutes a day on social networks. So much time obviously includes work time and that makes the list of distractions.

There are other distraction points that are part of both office work and work. home office like that coffee break, a snack or a conversation that has nothing to do with work.

Of course, taking breaks is necessary, but it is recommended that relaxing activities are prioritized to make you turn your mind off the rush instead of making you think about other things that disrupt the flow of work.

9) Set aside time for emails

During office hours, emails constantly arrive in the inbox. If you leave it open in the browser or enable alerts in cell that notify you every time a new message arrives, you should see notifications all the time and be tempted to reply to everything.

However, the recommendation we give is: don't do that.

First, evaluate all the emails that are in your inbox and separate those that require an urgent response from those that can be answered throughout the week.

So set aside a specific time of day to write and submit your responses. Follow this framework to the letter and avoid reading emails while performing other tasks, as this can generate a feeling of wanting to answer you soon, which will make your schedule a mess and your day a stress. 

10) Create goals

When we talk about goals, we immediately think of those that are part of the company's overall objective. However, you should also create goals for your own tasks.

In addition to listing everything you need to do, set deadlines that need to be strictly followed so that there are no delays or non-compliance with your activities.

Remember that, as a leader, you must be the example for your subordinates and that starts with the daily goals that you complete with excellence.

11) Don't procrastinate 

Who never left for tomorrow what they could do today? But the big question is: will you really do it tomorrow or will you also leave it for the day after tomorrow?

In order not to come to this reflection, avoid procrastination. As this is simple to say in theory, let's look at two practices that help you overcome it:

  • take on what you are sure you can accomplish;
  • break up large tasks into sub-tasks so your delivery doesn't feel too heavy.

12) Take breaks 

As much as a standard work shift is 8 hours long, we can hardly work that long without stopping. By the way, this is not good for health.

So, take breaks throughout the day in order to ease your mind a little, especially in those moments when you can no longer think properly about how to do your tasks.

13) Check the tasks that have already been completed

By having all the tasks organized, your executions need to be well ordered as well. So, have a table with you that shows the tasks that are yet to be performed, those that are being done and those that still need to be completed.

O Kanban is a system widely used for this purpose, it can be used both in applications such as Trello and on a blank board that you can have in your office and mark the completed tasks with a pen or post-it.

14) Don't multitask 

Company managers need to know everything that happens in the organization, but that doesn't mean they should do everything or even know everything.

For example: if you hire a programmer to create your company's website, you are not obliged to know how to work with web design, but make sure that the work is being done properly.

A good manager is not the one who does all the work, but the one who takes the necessary steps to ensure that all those he leads do a good job.

By applying these 14 tips on how to organize work tasks, you'll have a better chance of increasing your work productivity.

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