How to combine electronic signature and digital transformation in your company

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In a world marked by constant technological renewal, the role that electronic signatures and digital transformation have played as an essential pillar for the survival and growth of companies of the most diverse sectors and sizes is undeniable. 

The agility, efficiency and adaptability provided by digitalization represent key elements for facing the challenges of the current market. In this context, the incorporation of electronic signature becomes vital for strengthening digital transformation strategies in organizations.

However, at the same time that countless opportunities and significant improvements are revealed, the scenario of transition to digital transformation also presents challenges that require the careful attention of managers and business leaders. 

The paradigm shift in relation to traditional processes, the adoption of new technologies and the integration of innovative solutions can often prove to be complex and demand detailed strategic planning.

In this article, we will explain in detail everything about how the alliance between electronic signature and digital transformation can optimize your workflows, in addition to increasing your productivity and, at the same time, helping you to face the challenges that arise along this journey. . 

Good reading!

After all, what is digital transformation?

We can briefly define the concept of digital transformation as a revolutionary process of incorporating innovative technologies in all aspects of an organization – extending from its internal processes to the relationship with customers and partners.

The digital transformation process comprises, as its main objective, the search for a break with the traditional business models, using technology in order to adapt to the new demands of agility, efficiency and competitiveness of the corporate market.

In this sense, one of the main drivers of digital transformation is, without a doubt, data analysis, a process in which the most important information at a strategic level is collected, processed and interpreted, in order to favor decision-making, the automation of tasks repetitive operations and process optimization.

Currently, the trend towards digital transformation can be easily observed in the vast majority of companies, regardless of their size or field of activity – after all, bold technological innovations such as artificial intelligence, the computational cloud, smart platforms and a multitude of other disruptive technologies are used on a large scale, in favor of greater operational efficiency.

However, when we seek to deepen the subject, we note that digital transformation involves not only the implementation of new technological tools, but also a true cultural and organizational transformation at the core of the company.

To this end, managers must be willing to abandon old practices, embrace innovation and encourage collaboration among team members, so that the proposed objectives are achieved. It is, therefore, a continuous process that demands great agility and adaptability – after all, both technologies and market dynamics are in constant evolution.

It is worth remembering that, as we are talking about radical and profound transformations in the company's internal culture, the adoption of the main tools within the standards of the current market must walk in balance with the adaptation of a personalized strategy, according to the particularities of each business.

What is electronic signature?

An electronic signature is nothing more than a secure way of obtaining approval or consent from someone by recognizing their identity by electronic means. In other words, we are talking about a modern, secure and verifiable substitute for handwriting signatures, especially for documents and contracts.

Although it is usually associated with a digital signature, the concept of electronic signature is quite comprehensive, bringing together all the formats used to validate a document or to identify a specific person: from biometric recognition in ATMs, passing through tokens of identification in Internet services, up to the execution of a login from a personal password.

A digital signature is a specific type of electronic signature, in which the signatory uses a digital certificate to prove its authorship. The digital certificate must be issued by a Brazilian certification authority, in accordance with the standards of Brazilian Public Key Infrastructure (ICP-Brasil). Examples of digital certificates are the e-CNPJ and the OAB token used by lawyers. There are also types of digital certificate, such as A1 and A3.

Both the electronic signature and the digital signature have legal validity, according to the Provisional Measure No. 2.200-2 of 2001 and Provisional Measure No. 983 of 2020. In this text, we deal with electronic signature and digital signature interchangeably, since in most situations they have the same effects.

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The advantages of combining electronic signature and digital transformation for companies

In the modern era, where digital documents and technological transformations dominate the business landscape, the synergy between electronic signature and digital transformation has emerged as a crucial vector for business success.

With the growing adoption of digital platforms in Brazil, electronic signatures, especially those validated by ICP Brasil, have become a vital component for operational efficiency.

This integration not only simplifies the document upload and management process, but also boosts agility and security in business transactions. The digital signature, in this context, is more than a tool; it is a key enabler in the digital transformation journey, offering substantial benefits that will be detailed below.

business agility

The combination of electronic signature and digital transformation streamlines operations and accelerates the flow of documents and contracts, eliminating large paperwork and unnecessary bureaucracy. Combining the ability to sign electronically with a team aligned with the new digital culture, the company completes business faster, aligning itself with the market's demands for agility and objectivity and being able to make decisions with more speed and precision.

Legal validity

Secure electronic signature solutions have legal validity, in compliance with specific laws and regulations: encryption mechanisms guarantee the authenticity of signatures, protecting the integrity of signed documents.

Furthermore, the technology of electronic and digital signatures is recognized in several countries, which gives legitimacy to electronic contracts and transactions, ensuring that they can be used in legal processes.


Reinforcing the previous item, electronic signature employs advanced security protocols to protect the confidentiality and authenticity of signatures and documents. Encryption and authentication ensure the security and integrity of data and transactions, preventing fraud.

By integrating the practice of electronic signatures into the digital transformation process, it is understood that the business is firmly moving towards achieving a solid, reliable and lasting relationship with its customers and partners .

Cost reduction

Implementing the digital transformation in your company naturally implies recognizing the electronic signature as a powerful factor in eliminating costs, especially those associated with the use of paper, printing and physical shipping.

In addition, there is also a significant reduction in terms of the need for logistical and physical resources, such as printers, cabinets and space for storing documents.

This advantage becomes especially relevant in the long term, making processes much more efficient and sustainable.

Time management

The speed of electronic signature drastically reduces the time to conclude contracts and agreements. 

Documents can be signed instantly, regardless of the physical location of the parties involved, and the digital transformation process precisely contemplates this optimization factor – saving time is essential for productivity, allowing the company to focus on more strategic activities and innovative.


Electronic signature allows documents to be signed from mobile devices or computers connected to the internet. – enabling employees, partners and customers to sign documents from anywhere, eliminating the need for face-to-face meetings and travel to complete deals. 

From the point of view of digital transformation, mobility represents an essential factor, as it increases flexibility and agility in business processes.

Automation of the signing process

The integration of the electronic signature with digital systems allows for the automation of workflows. By reducing manual intervention and the possibility of human errors, signature processes occur even more quickly and securely. 

Automation also provides a complete audit trail of signed documents, strengthening the traceability and transparency of company operations.

When observing all the factors mentioned above, it becomes more than clear that the implementation of the electronic signature, especially when aligned with the construction of a culture of digital transformation in the company's DNA, represents a powerful instrument for the improvement of its results - whether in in relation to improving the customer experience, such as increasing the company's competitive advantage, opening new markets, customizing offers and services, and even anticipating trends.

ZapSign's electronic signature solution offers all the main features to boost agility, security and efficiency in the management of your company's documents. If you want to learn more about our platform and how it can enhance the digital transformation of your business, just click here and talk to us!

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