App for organizing tasks: discover the top 9

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We know very well that managing a company is not a simple task. Even if you are fully aware of the various actions involved in running your business, at the right time, it becomes impossible to remember them all – especially these days, when the pace of things makes us increasingly busy, what makes a to-do app necessary

No one, not even the most capable of managers, is free to forget a task: whether it's signing a contract, meeting a deadline, attending an important meeting or any other commitment, there are times when control slips away from us. , especially when we are overwhelmed. 

In addition, it is also necessary to consider that there are always other people involved in the work process of an organization, each with their own pace, and it is important to ensure that these professionals also remain in constant tune with all the demands of the company.

To avoid errors caused by this overload of obligations, it is essential to adopt the use of a task organizer🇧🇷 These tools have been used more and more in all types of businesses, especially nowadays, where there are all sorts of technological resources with specific purposes – and, of course, it couldn't be different with task organization practices.

Given the importance of modernizing these practices, we, at ZapSign, have prepared this complete article on apps for organizing tasks: continue reading to check out everything about the advantages of adopting such a solution in your business, in addition to a complete guide with the 9 main alternatives available on the market. 

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    The importance of organizing work tasks

    A task organizer, as its name suggests, is a device created to support the management of day-to-day tasks, being mainly used in a professional context. 

    Which makes perfect sense, since the work routine involves making countless plans, projects and tasks that are interconnected and require great attention, so that nothing is left aside.

    Task organizers are not to be underestimated, as they rely on specific tools to facilitate the monitoring of their demands and facilitate the fulfillment of their objectives. Most organizers divide the main goals of your project into small goals, which, as they are completed, will close the distance between you and your final goal.

    When we talk about apps for organizing tasks, we realize that, normally, these applications have versions for both desktop and mobile devices, so that you can follow the progress of work wherever you are. 

    This mobility is a decisive factor, as access to the agenda becomes flexible, and both the manager and the team are not dependent on being in the office to check their appointments.

    Organizing a company's tasks through technological tools guarantees the possibility of updating its employees on urgent tasks and changes in the situation, which becomes much more difficult when the company's operational dynamics are still based on paper. 

    Not to mention that digital management favors the tracking of productivity and results, as well as the preservation of the most important information of your business.

    Furthermore, a manager is easily adaptable to the workflow peculiar to your business: consider that, when the entire team is on the same platform, communication is favored, as information flows cohesively and naturally. 

    Consequently, productivity grows, since the team no longer wears out with endless searches for records in files; urgent tasks are easily tracked; and time-consuming processes are efficiently abbreviated.

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    The 9 best apps for organizing tasks

    There are a number of apps for organizing tasks available on the market, each with its own particularities, developed according to the specific needs that this or that business may have. Below, we highlight the 9 most used in business:

    1. Trello

    O Trello is, without a doubt, one of the most used task management apps – this is because it is an extremely simple, objective and versatile project management tool.

    For this reason, we realized that, although the platform is commonly used by companies to manage their tasks, it also works to manage personal tasks and organize projects inside and outside the corporate environment.

    Trello's interface has four basic functions to make work work. In the work area, the tool's main space, the tasks and their progress are displayed. 

    Next, there are the tables, which help to visualize the tasks and in which the following functions are arranged. Then come the lists, which gather the tasks to be accomplished. 

    Finally, within the lists, we have the cards, which are nothing more than the specific functions that each person involved in the project must perform to fulfill the tasks.

    Trello is available for both desktop and mobile phones (Android and iPhone). Although it is possible to use it for free, there are paid plans that offer extra functions.

    2. Google Tasks

    Google has its own task organizer – and it offers a good free alternative for anyone who needs a good tool for managing their work activities.

    There are several very useful resources offered in a very simple and practical way, such as, for example, the creation of to-do lists and the introduction of reminders, which greatly facilitates the organization of the user's personal and professional day-to-day tasks.

    Like Trello, Google's task organizer can be downloaded for tablet/smartphone. The PC/notebook version is naturally integrated into Gmail, so you don't need to download anything.

    3. Evernote

    Known for its so-called “capture it all”, the Evernote allows you to insert practically anything you want into it: images, texts and other files, and, from there, organize these captures into banks of notes, in which you can also add dates and reminders.

    It is also possible to draw on the screen – another differential that makes Evernote an excellent choice in apps for organizing tasks.

    4. MicrosoftToDo

    Formerly known as Wunderlist, Microsoft's task organizer remains well known and widely used for organizing tasks, both at professional and personal levels.

    O MicrosoftToDo it has a daily planner, which will update each task you need to do throughout the day, in addition to dividing them into stages. With it, you can also set deadlines and reminders.

    For those who used Wunderlist and stopped there, it is possible to import the old data into ToDo.

    5 Todoist

    O T is an efficient task management tool, through which it is possible to establish different levels of priority between them. 

    This characteristic proves to be very important when managing collective tasks, since the other professionals come to know what they should do first and what they should do later.

    There is also a progress and productivity function to evaluate the performance of each of these tasks.

    6. Optimized

    O Optimized is a complete task organization application. In it, you can enter all your daily tasks, and even use graphics to set goals and evaluate your performance.

    Initially, Optimized is available only for Apple devices, even being integrated with other routine management apps, such as Apple Health.

    7. asana

    O Asana is a competent application aimed at managing tasks and team projects. Focused on collaborative activities and productivity management, it has a targeted interface to control and monitor the workflow and progress of projects.

    For this reason, Asana offers a number of interactive features such as chat, file sharing, and comment boxes. Premium and Business versions have extra features like private projects, resource management and many others.

    8. Remember

    O Remember is a task organization app that stands out for its simple, intuitive and elegant interface. The colorful icons are perfect for highlighting each element on the screen, which helps tremendously with organizing and planning activities.

    Through Memorigi, it is also possible to determine specific long-term goals, including establishing financial goals. The gamification system is very convenient for monitoring the evolution of activities.

    9. Tick Tick

    Without a doubt, one of the great advantages of this app for organizing tasks is the high degree of customization. 

    In addition to having several productivity aid tools, the ticktick it also has different models of task lists, adapting to the demands and needs of each professional involved in the project. 

    To top it off, TickTick also offers themed checklists for specific tasks like work, shopping, exercise, and many others.

    As you can see, having an app to organize tasks makes a lot of difference when running a business. However, it is worth remembering that even the best of tools can only offer the proper results if the professionals are in tune with the best practices. 

    Therefore, how about checking out another article that we have prepared, explaining everything about how to organize your work tasks? Click here and happy reading!

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