Is it worth hiring an electronic document management analyst?

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Owning a business invariably involves having to deal with a lot of documents. Contracts, certificates, memos, reports, bills, paychecks…the list is always extensive, and, regardless of the size of the business, this is a fate that cannot be escaped. This raises the need to hire a electronic document management analyst.

The insertion of this professional is important because managing all this flow of information can be quite complex, and to optimize the organization of a task of this nature, delegating this responsibility can represent a much more practical alternative than simply managing all your work on your own. file through papers, physical documents, folders and drawers.

After all, Electronic Document Management, also known as GED, meets this need.

Increasingly adopted by the main companies in the market, these modern practices have made document processes much more fluid, from storage and issuance, through flow control and even contemplating the electronic signature of documents.

So, continue reading this article to understand how the electronic document management analyst can benefit the administration of your business.

    Why is electronic document management more efficient than physical management?

    For some time now, one of the main problems faced by most companies has been a totally obsolete information management culture based on unnecessary large-scale paper production. 

    In many different ways, this practice proves to be quite costly – especially with regard to three main factors: 

    • financial, if we take into account how much is spent on material resources; 
    • physical, considering the huge space that piles and piles of documents end up taking up in a work environment;
    • operational, given that, with a large volume of physical documents, information is inevitably decentralized and content can be easily lost, unnecessarily duplicated or even corrupted, either due to accidents or the action of time itself.

    That is why, in the middle of the 21st century, with so many technological advances revolutionizing the way we search, consume and produce information, it is safe to say that not using the possibilities offered by information technology in order to optimize the document management of a company can be considered, at the very least, a total waste. 

    In this context, the culture of digitization, through electronic document management practices, emerges as a powerful ally when it comes to assisting in the control, registration, sharing and backup of your company's existing information.

    Once the virtualization of the documentation process is implemented, all access to information occurs in an agile, safe and practical way, and can be carried out in a anywhere and impacting directly and positively on the productivity of your business. 

    By significantly reducing spending on paper and printing, the advantages are revealed both from the point of view of sustainability - since less raw material and natural resources are consumed - and from the financial aspect, since, with less spending on paper , printer ink and other supplies, your cash is preserved.

    By opting for electronic document management, the control and security of the organization's main information are also prioritized, considering that in which a good system of GED allows the customized configuration of access permissions and different levels of security in the system, delegating data to trusted people and protecting them from possible theft or loss.

    We observe that this is a modality of management of documents which favors, above all, practicality and agility in their processes administrative, since an automated management allows that information can be quickly exchanged with the other organizations with which your company relates. 

    The indexing possibilities are numerous, and, with the documents available on the net, which can be used in customer visits or in the negotiation of contracts, the customer service of your service is strengthened, which ends up positioning your business always one step ahead of the competition.

    What are the benefits of GED?

    Other advantages offered by the implementation of an electronic management system of documents include:

    • greater transparency in administration, making decision-making processes clearer and more conscious;
    • more controlled document flow;
    • standardization of procedures related to the production and administration of files;
    • categorization of documents, through tables;
    • conversion of voice, text, image or video information to digital format, favoring the maintenance of companies' information bases;
    • more practicality in the search for specific content within certain documents;
    • debureaucratization of procedures;
    • systematic organization of files in folders;
    • optimization of agreements, through procedures of electronic and digital signature;
    • full access to company information, even in offline mode.

    From the observation of all these benefits, it becomes easy to understand why GED solutions are increasingly adopted by organizations that, by their very nature, need to deal with a large volume of papers and documents - such as, for example, educational institutions and companies in the areas of health, human resources and insurance.

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    The importance of hiring an electronic document management analyst

    The implementation of electronic document management in a company is a measure that aims to facilitate the administrative routine, but which, at the same time, needs to be treated with great care, as it involves an extensive mapping of the processes, in addition to specific document management methodologies. 

    It is true that software for these purposes are important tools, but, in addition, in order to maximize the performance of these functions, it is highly recommended to hire an electronic document management analyst. 

    There are many companies in the market that are specialized in offering qualified professionals, as well as others whose focus is to have open positions in companies (the Jooble it is an example).

    Alternatively, your electronic document management analyst can be an employee who learns about GED on the job in the company itself, or, preferably, who has a degree in higher education and a postgraduate degree in Electronic Document Management. 

    This is a specialization that applies to practitioners from different areas, such as archivists and IT professionals who focus on the GED segment, and it is about this that we will talk next.

    Postgraduate Diploma in Electronic Document Management

    The postgraduate course in Electronic Document Management is a specialization course that lasts, on average, two semesters, and prioritizes the treatment of electronic information, a sector that, like everything related to technology and information, is in continuous evolution. and, for that very reason, it demands a lot of study and constant updating. 

    The theoretical and practical subjects offered by the course aim to promote a strategic view of document management tools, in addition to clarifying the student about concepts of legislation and other particularities inherent to the virtual documentation process. The course schedule covers the following subjects:

    Regardless of the path chosen, it should be noted that the electronic document management analyst is the professional who must have all the necessary know-how about the best GED practices.

    In this way, he is a professional capable of perfectly understanding the needs and particularities of each company, and, armed with this knowledge, develop the best, most complete and most appropriate GED solutions for each business. 

    What does the electronic document management analyst do within a company?

    The electronic document management analyst is the one who, with excellence, will assume the main responsibilities regarding the standardization of document procedures, such as: 

    • analyze;
    • classification;
    • issue;
    • flow;
    • receivement;
    • file;
    • maintenance and disposal; 
    • usability and economy management; 
    • optimization of processes; 
    • rationalization of document production;
    • digital and electronic signatures.

    In fact, we can say that the EDM analyst knows perfectly well the two basic modules of electronic document management: Capture (basically, the acceleration of processes through their documentation in forms) and Document Management (the management of electronic documents itself, by means of dedicated platforms). 

    In addition, he also masters all the main features of the GED, such as: Workflow; Cold (data storage and retrieval); Forms Processing (forms processing); and RIM (lifecycle management of all company documentation).

    As you can see, hiring an electronic document management analyst represents a great advantage. A professional of this nature is a very valuable part of your company's administrative process, optimizing your organization's entire document practice in an agile and effective way.

    This guarantees, thus, an exponential improvement in the productivity of your business, in order to position it in a competitive and differentiated way in the market.

    So, now that you've read this article, if you still have doubts about whether it's worth hiring an electronic document management analyst, the answer is yes.

    In addition to hiring an analyst, another measure of decisive value to implement good GED practices in your business is to look for a company specialized in electronic signature solutions, such as ZapSign. take the opportunity to speak with one of our consultants now!

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